Four adventurers traveled to Fallmerrow on the same day. The
Half Elves Varis, Lucas, and Gylndorin met up with the Human Regdar at
The Gentle Pig. There they had small talk with the Tavernkeep Oswin
Bronzeoak, and reminded him not to bite his nails. Gylndorin and Varis
shared a pitcher of ale, while Varis and Lucas shared their worship of
Kord, the God of battle and storms. After probing Tavernkeep Bronzeoak
for work, the four adventurers set off for the Lion's Manor to speak to
Count Reynrad Yon, head of the Fallmerrow Adventurer's Guild.
Just as they were about to cross the bridge in town, a winged lizard
swooped down unseen, and stole Gylndorin's coin purse as it flew by.
Lucas quickly grabbed a nearby stone and threw it true, hitting the
lizard hard, but not taking it down. At the same time Varis starting
spouting out random facts about the beast, stating that it was a
Spiretop Drake. Gyldorin and Regdar chased the lizard to the
Darkstone tower while Lucas and Varis continued to the Lion's Manor.
Lucas and Varis met Count Reynrad Yon and got some leads about some
Kobolds attacking a village, and were told to talk to one Lancepesade
Thormond Singlebluff stationed in the Eastside Guard Tower overlooking
the Slums. Count Reynrad Yon drilled the young adventurers with
questions about their knowledge of beasts and adventure.
Meanwhile, Gyldorin and Regdar arrived at the darkstone tower and met
its owner, Count Erik Steelswift. After much conversation they came to
the conclusion that the flying drakes were a menace to Count Steelswift
aswell, and decided to take on a verbal contract to find their nest and
destroy it. The adventurers rendezvoused and
headed to the market to buy a climber's kit for Lucas(the most athletic
of the four) and an additional dagger for Regdar so he could defend
himself in melee. There was much haggling and confusion as the group
argued for who was paying for what, but in the end it was overcome with
generosity. With their equipment bought, climber's kit in
tow, they decided to stop by the Darkstone Tower one last time before
heading into the Fallmerrow Forest. Lucas surprised the group with some
fast talking negotiation, and convinced Count Steelswift to throw 5 gold
their way as payment for going after the drakes. Varis stepped forward,
having studied Lucas' strategy, and demanded that the group receive 5
gold each . Count Steelswift laughed him off as a joke.
The adventurers entered the forest, with thick giant trees and
undergrowth, and quickly lost sight of the town...they were lost. After
some successful navigation and not so successful navigation (Varis
tasted some random animal feces for an unknown reason), Lucas got fed up
and simply climbed one of the giant trees, and managed to see the
location on the nest from atop the canopy. They were close.
They battle was a drawn out and sluggish event, as the new adventurers
tested their combat prowess. There was much shouting for advice and
careful movement. A drake mauled Gylndorin with biting attacks as it
flew around the group, but they managed to send it fleeing deeper into
the forest bloodied as two more drakes stood guard in their nest,
screeching a most annoying sound. Lucas had the clever idea
of flashing some silver to the drakes, which worked better than any of
them expected, drawing them down into a bloodlust. Varis followed suit
and soon the battle was over; the group intoxicated with stabbing,
clubbing, and hurling sling rocks at the beasts. Lucas once
again, being the most athletic of the four, scaled the giant tree to the
nest with some effort and a near fall. Once atop the nest Lucas threw
down Gylndorin's coin purse, much to his relief, and gathered the other
stolen loot. The group split the remains of three other coin purses,
and studied a hemp necklace with intricate silver amulets. They tossed a
torch into the nest and watched it burn.