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Marketplace No Set Error

Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Until the recent update I was able to see all the assets that show up under Miscellaneous in an Art Library search with this URL <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It doesn’t work now, and returns this error&nbsp; TypeError: can't convert nil into Float
Hi Andrew, You should still have normal access to the art assets in app- are you still able to browse them there?
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Yes, all the assets in my Art Library are still there and useable. I did a search for “fauna” and dragged a dinosaur token to the map. This is a Marketplace error. The No Set assets cannot be viewed now, but they could be before.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hi Andrew, The "no set" isn't a traditional set as I'm sure you know. It being viewable (because it wasn't searchable) in the Marketplace before was a quirk and not a supported feature. The set was created at the very origin of the site to make sure there was content the users could find for some basic searches. It's missing a lot of the expected data that the new Marketplace is using and isn't compatible with the new view. It'd take some work that I don't expect we'll do to get all of the thousands of images there to show up correctly in the Marketplace view, because it's still working and searchable inside the application where we care about it being accessed.&nbsp;
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
It's working once more today, and the error message I reported doesn't occur. I guess a bug somewhere got squashed. Huzzah!