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Tab Weirdness in Handouts

Whenever I highlight a particular section to tab to the right, more often than not, everything beneath the highlighted section will also tab over. If I make multiple attempts (usually by copying and pasting the later content over -- though this doesn't always work), I can keep the text normally aligned. Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have any suggestions to circumvent this particular issue? It's driving me nuts.

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Sheet Author
The text editor used on roll20 has a long history of being "cantankerous"...  It's a known issue that the Devs are well aware of and AFAIK, fixing/replacing it entirely is on their to-do list.  Many users either work around these bugs thru trial and error, or use an external editor for more complex design/layout and use copy/paste into roll20.  Sometimes the formatting sticks, sometimes not so much... ;-(
Notepad++ is a good freeware substitute, as it formats for End of Line on Paste of Text, although I have noticed certain behaviour on Paste of Text into Roll20 sections, especially, but not limited to, the Handouts, such as all blank space at End and Start of Lines being removed, Bullets simply not functioning properly (it sometimes gets 2 bullets on 1 line, plays hell with my OCD), my suggestion is to get the Text in the General Layout you'll desire, then format it once it is in the correct order on location (wheresoever that might be)
Thanks for the heads up -- and thanks for kindling the hope for a future fix. I have all of my notes for my encounters in Roll20 and I really, really like consistency in the formatting. Like you, Blue, it kills me when things don't look perfect.
I keep all my notes as markdown files on my computer, and just copy & paste the formatted output from the markdown editor into roll20.  While it is still quite unpredictable how things will look like, the result at least is consistent...
Thanks for the tip, Arthur!