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[Question] Can anyone see why this is doing this?


Edited 1391201907
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have a script that seems straight forward, check a token, if its not a player, and it has HP, set a red aura. Problem its having is even with no HP set, it still sets the aura, and logging it returns exactly what the IF checks, and does it anyway. on("change:token", function (obj) { var oC = getObj('character', obj.get("_represents")); if(oC != undefined) return; var eBar = parseInt(obj.get("bar3_value")); log('eBar1check '+eBar); if(eBar != NaN) { log('eBar2check '+eBar); obj.set({'aura1_radius': -0.3,'aura1_color': '#ff0000','aura1_square': false}); } }); When I log it, Ebar = NaN, and even the 'if' parts passes with it equalling NaN, and I get: "eBar1check NaN" "eBar2check NaN " anyone see why its passing the IF statement if Ebar == NaN?

Edited 1391235994
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If bar# has nothing set, its value is '' (empty string). parseInt('') returns NaN. Edit: I misread the question and the code almost entirely. As Stephen points out, NaN is only discoverable with the isNaN function.
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
See bullet point 2 Ten Oddities And Secrets About JavaScript
Ah, I should have known that... I had the problem come up with one of my scripts too.

Edited 1391253004
Sheet Author
Hi William, I'm having a similar problem. I've been trying to write a function that will return the character ID of an anonymous object, or false if there is no character id. It can be extremely tricky to try to capture all of the possible ways that can error out. Generally, for your situation, I would not just jump into the getObj. I'd do this check first: if (obj.get('represents') == '') That will identify an object that isn't assigned a character. In your case, use: if (obj.get('represents') == '') { //Do your thing }
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah thanks guys, it seems temperamental on when it wants to work. I was copying code from the auto status script and it works fine there var maxValue = parseInt(obj.get("bar" + opts.barId + "_max")); var curValue = parseInt(obj.get("bar" + opts.barId + "_value")); if(maxValue != NaN && curValue != NaN) but not in the one above, but works fine in another I have using it... But I did find if(!isNaN(eBar) works great, So i'm using that :) And ill use that instead chad, its a lot cleaner than some of of my "if not, returns" on checking if its a character and has a name :)