I am trying to create a macro for my attacks that will institute any situational change I need to make. The biggest problem I am running across is creating a macro with the ability to hide the dmg roll until I click the weapon name. I am using the OGL character sheet. Below is my macro that I currently have.  &{template:atkdmg} {{rname=?{attack|Warhammer}}} {{r1= [[1d20 + @{Kos Vreap|charisma_mod} + @{Kos Vreap|pb} + ?{PotB Weapon|yes,1|no,0}]]}} {{r2= [[1d20 + @{Kos Vreap|charisma_mod} + @{Kos Vreap|pb} + ?{PotB Weapon|yes,1|no,0}]]}} {{?{advantage type|normal,normal|advantage,advantage|disadvantage,disadvantage}=1}} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[?{weapon dmg|one-handed, 1d8|two-handed, 1d10} + @{Kos Vreap|charisma_mod} + ?{PotB Weapon|yes,1|no,0} + ?{Hexblade's Curse| no, 0| yes, @{Kos Vreap|pb} } ]] }} {{crit1=[[?{weapon dmg|one-handed, 1d8|two-handed, 1d10} ]] }}