I have been playing for about 2 Months now, and I have noticed that the Mending Cantrip requires 1 Minute to Cast, yet is not marked as requiring Concentration, yet, the PHB says on around Page 202 Longer Casting Times Certain Spells (including Spells Cast as Rituals) require more time to cast; Minutes or even Hours. When you cast a Spell with a Casting Time longer than a single Action or Reaction, you must spend your Action on each Turn Casting the Spell, and you must maintain Concentration while you do so (see "Concentration" below). If your Concentration is Broken, the Spell Fails, but you don't expend a Spell Slot. If you want to try casting the Spell again, you must Start Over. This means, that Mending, which has a Casting Time of 1 Minute, is, in fact, a Concentration Spell in 5e I am looking at Mending right now in the 5th Edition Compendium, it makes zero mention of Concentration. I have no idea how extensive this problem actually is throughout the Compendium, or if it's in any of the Expansion Compendiums, as I have not been able to afford anything from this site yet. anyone coming across this Post, I would encourage you to go looking up
your known Spells which have a Duration on their Casting Times longer
than 1 Action, 1 Bonus Action, or 1 Reaction, and check if they have any
mention of Concentration in their correlating Compendium Entries, I would like to know which spells to watch out for, so if you'd please point them out here, that would be greatly appreciated. whilst I have your attention, I would also like to suggest, to the amazing team working on this complex and comprehensive compendium, to include: the Fields which aren't used by a Spell Primarily Ritual & Concentration fields as a boolean Yes/No these would be mentioned on the Compendium entry, but would be lacking the Tag to prevent Parsing Errors for Drag & Drop the Math for the Cantrip Spells this would allow GMs to copy & paste it into their games without going over each individual Cantrip you can note that they would need to likely alter the Levels section this would also garner a massive influx of traffic to your site, as lots of players and GMs would love such a feature The current known 5e Compendium Entries with errors includes: Cantrips: Mending Lv 1 Lv 2 Find Steed Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9