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[5e Shaped]

Sheet Author
API Scripter
There are other scripts out there that do that. Aaron has one.
One of my players is having a problem where his lower level spells are only having the query for spell level 1 and 2, when he should have it go to 3. Wondering if there's an attribute or something that needs to be modified. Or perhaps something didn't refresh properly and there's some way to do that.
Nvm figured it out I think. Had to click the lvl 3 spell slots off/on.
@James You're looking for Turntracker. My players love it :). !eot ends the turn, is available from chat on each turn and can also be typed or stuck into a separate macro
Have anyone had problem using divine smite on a critical in a undead creature? it seems that the D8's related to the spell slot are doubling correctly but the additional for undead is not. If so, how do you correct or circumvented this? Thnak you!
Alvaro T. said: Have anyone had problem using divine smite on a critical in a undead creature? it seems that the D8's related to the spell slot are doubling correctly but the additional for undead is not. If so, how do you correct or circumvented this? Thnak you! There is no way for the roll template to know that you're rolling against an undead creature, so you'll have to roll the extra dice manually

Edited 1548270705
techiecarer said: Alvaro T. said: Have anyone had problem using divine smite on a critical in a undead creature? it seems that the D8's related to the spell slot are doubling correctly but the additional for undead is not. If so, how do you correct or circumvented this? Thank you! There is no way for the roll template to know that you're rolling against an undead creature, so you'll have to roll the extra dice manually Thank you techiecarer for the input, but the sheet already roll this in a separate line. And i just notice that the sheet do not double neither damage on  crit. What are you people doing? rolling twice in those cases?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You'll have to roll it manually. Divine smite is unaware of the attack as it a separate macro. Unfortunately, this is a roll20 limitation that I can not solve.
Kryx said: You'll have to roll it manually. Divine smite is unaware of the attack as it a separate macro. Unfortunately, this is a roll20 limitation that I can not solve. tyvm for the quick reply :)
Have you any guidance for adding FX to an attack via Free text? I noticed Keith mention it in an older thread, but my google skills are failing me and I can’t find any guidance to set it up. I’d quite like to be able to add it to a dragons breath weapon for example

Edited 1548620827
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I would build this as an Ability (On the Attributes and Abilities tab) for the dragon called "Breathe" /fx breath-fire @{target|Dragon|token_id} @{target|PC|token_id} In the Freetext field of the Dragons breath action put: [breathe](~Breathe) This will put a text Ability Control Button at the end of the attack. Click it when you make the dragon breathe. Then you click once on the dragon's mouth, and once on the target. If you want it to just trigger automatically when you click the action, put the macro command on the Free form line, but make sure to put an empty return above it. More info on FX macro commands can be found here on the wiki.

Edited 1549183585
All my NPC's Spell bubbles have disappeared in my campaign. They have slots in their attributes but the bubbles are MIA, it used to be fine I'm confused as to why they vanished. Attributes for this NPC: His spells, no bubbles or slots: Is there a fix to this or should I make a post on the issue tracker?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This is an issue with the character, not an issue with the sheet. It looks like you've turned off spell slots. Turn on edit mode and turn them back on:
That fixed it thanks Kryx, unfortunately it has affected every NPC in the campaign. I have no idea how that happened but at least I know how to fix it now.
Is there a way to un-condense the spells? I know in previous versions there was a condense button, but in 19.3 the condense button appears to be missing. I see the condense button in other areas of the sheet.

Edited 1549235230
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I don't think is possible anymore, but you can use hover text on any spell:

Edited 1549265287
keithcurtis said: I don't think is possible anymore, but you can use hover text on any spell: I probably should have specified; I mainly want it so I can mess with the spell uses without clicking the edit button like you can with the equipment section. While I wouldn't mind the return of the condense button to spells; having the remaining uses displayed next to the spells would essentially be what I'm looking for. I had tried setting up uses to help me keep track of how many berries I had left with Goodberry, I'll probably just use the utility or equipment section for now.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
That's probably better, since tracking the uses of individual goodberries is independent of the spell slot usage anyway.
Berwind said: keithcurtis said: I don't think is possible anymore, but you can use hover text on any spell: I probably should have specified; I mainly want it so I can mess with the spell uses without clicking the edit button like you can with the equipment section. While I wouldn't mind the return of the condense button to spells; having the remaining uses displayed next to the spells would essentially be what I'm looking for. I had tried setting up uses to help me keep track of how many berries I had left with Goodberry, I'll probably just use the utility or equipment section for now. I haven't really played around with this aspect of the shaped sheet functionality yet (recently switched over to it), but could you possibly embed a macro in the spell's freetext/form text to "add" goodberries to the player's inventory/reset uses?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The sheet can not inject data in response to a button. Only API scripts can do that.

Edited 1549388618
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Wax Poetic, If you needed such functionality, ChatSetAttr would be the most likely script to look at. It's in the One-Click Installs. Edited to correct that I meant to address that comment to Wax Poetic, not Berwind)
keithcurtis said: Berwind, If you needed such functionality, ChatSetAttr would be the most likely script to look at. It's in the One-Click Installs. If I could get my GM to sub to pro, I'll totally have him set it up, it looks like a cool script. But the functionality I was looking for is present in other areas of the sheet and I (honestly) haven't thought of using them until I had already posted, either way; I still wanted to voice my mourning of the condense spells button. Thanks for the replies!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Sorry Berwind. That was a mis-addressed comment, which I have edited. Thanks. :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Berwind said: I still wanted to voice my mourning of the condense spells button. Condense was changed for spells a year ago in February of 2018.

Edited 1549429964
keithcurtis said: Wax Poetic, If you needed such functionality, ChatSetAttr would be the most likely script to look at. It's in the One-Click Installs. Edited to correct that I meant to address that comment to Wax Poetic, not Berwind) Yeah, I've been taking a look at it for one of the homebrewed subclasses that I'm going to be running for in my upcoming campaign. I've actually already used your spreadsheet parser that I found in another thread to bring in my Wild Magic Table (thanks for that - I'm glad I found it!). Which actually brings me to a real suggestion regarding the sheet: Kryx - I have a ranger playing in my upcoming campaign who uses a companion. We're currently just running a second sheet for their companion, but it would be nice if it could be centralized, especially as they don't have the greatest computer. I understand that making a tabbed sheet would probably be the same net effect of having a second sheet open and would be inefficient/prone to lag, so wouldn't be very viable. As an alternative, would it be at all possible to get a toggled "Companion" field group (similar to Utility or Modifiers) on the sheet? Effectively, it would be a field with a secondary AC and HP, a line for proficient skills/saves, and a line for attacks (though these could be held in the main "Offense" portion in the top of the sheet).
wax poetic said: keithcurtis said: Wax Poetic, If you needed such functionality, ChatSetAttr would be the most likely script to look at. It's in the One-Click Installs. Edited to correct that I meant to address that comment to Wax Poetic, not Berwind) Yeah, I've been taking a look at it for one of the homebrewed subclasses that I'm going to be running for in my upcoming campaign. I've actually already used your spreadsheet parser that I found in another thread to bring in my Wild Magic Table (thanks for that - I'm glad I found it!). Which actually brings me to a real suggestion regarding the sheet: Kryx - I have a ranger playing in my upcoming campaign who uses a companion. We're currently just running a second sheet for their companion, but it would be nice if it could be centralized, especially as they don't have the greatest computer. I understand that making a tabbed sheet would probably be the same net effect of having a second sheet open and would be inefficient/prone to lag, so wouldn't be very viable. As an alternative, would it be at all possible to get a toggled "Companion" field group (similar to Utility or Modifiers) on the sheet? Effectively, it would be a field with a secondary AC and HP, a line for proficient skills/saves, and a line for attacks (though these could be held in the main "Offense" portion in the top of the sheet). The problem with doing that is that ALL sheets in the campaign would get those extra fields, slowing down the game massively compared to just having two sheets.

Edited 1549901659
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to set up Hexblade's Curse as a modifier; specifically the crit range modification. I'm fairly certain there used to be an option in modifiers to increase crit range, and I no longer see it, nor do I see any option to turn this feature on in settings. Could you please assist me in figuring this out?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Crit range has never been in modifiers. You'll have to adjust it manually or create multiple attacks.
Kryx said: Crit range has never been in modifiers. You'll have to adjust it manually or create multiple attacks. Is there any possibility of this being added to modifier's? Lack of support for this will force me to make a considerable number of weapon entries to account for the many various combinations I have surrounding this. While I'm here, would there also be any potential support for applying damage dice modifiers such as ro<2 to all damage rolled in an attack via modifiers? Right now such things have to have multiple instances of all damage sources involved (unless I've missed something).
Sheet Author
API Scripter
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;exists as a story to do that, but it's a lot of work and I'm not currently adding new features to Shaped, sorry! You can add dice modifiers to the damage of an offense item by turning on "Dice modifiers" on the cog tab. You can then add "ro&lt;2" to the input field after the damage die. If you add additional damage die in "attack_damage_bonus" for example you can modify that formula however you like, adding "ro&lt;2" as desired. In that case it'll be output to chat, but the sheet can't calculate it for the presentation version of the sheet. I'm not sure what you mean by "Right now such things have to have multiple instances of all damage sources involved". If you have an attack and saving throw damage then you can add that to each.

Edited 1549905139
Kryx said: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;exists as a story to do that, but it's a lot of work and I'm not currently adding new features to Shaped, sorry! You can add dice modifiers to the damage of an offense item by turning on "Dice modifiers" on the cog tab. You can then add "ro&lt;2" to the input field after the damage die. If you add additional damage die in "attack_damage_bonus" for example you can modify that formula however you like, adding "ro&lt;2" as desired. In that case it'll be output to chat, but the sheet can't calculate it for the presentation version of the sheet. I'm not sure what you mean by "Right now such things have to have multiple instances of all damage sources involved". If you have an attack and saving throw damage then you can add that to each. For instance, say you're using a versatile weapon two-handed as a Hexblade/Fighter with the Great Weapon Fighting Fighting Style. You have Hex up, and use Eldritch Smite . I have Hex and Eldritch Smite as modifiers to avoid making even more instances of attacks under "Offense". However, sometimes I use the versatile weapon as a one handed weapon, so I can't just have ro&lt;2 on everything and call it a day. I have to have two different instances of Hex , one with ro&lt;2, and one without, and the same with Eldritch Smite . Have a modifier that just says to add ro&lt;2 to all damage dice involved would simplify things for me. As to not adding new features, do you have some idea of when you might get around to this? I'm curious as I'm wondering if temporary work arounds are fine, or if I need to look into figuring out macros for a more long term solution (over multiple characters as a player, and can be a bit much as a GM making NPC's)?

Edited 1549905667
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hex should not be a modifier. Create a unique offense item for it.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;details how to do that for Ranger's Colossus Slayer as an example. Eldritch Smite should be done in the same way. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for an example of the Paladin's Smite ability. Great Weapon Fighting does not apply to either ability by RAI and that has been clarified in Sage Advice. Adding that modifier to those abilities makes GWF far more valuable. GWF is balanced when it only applies to the weapon. You can see that on an old spreadsheet of mine: DPR of Classes . You can also see similar numbers on my up-to-date homebrew spreadsheet: DPR of Homebrew Classes

Edited 1551540549
I am getting a bit confused and I know it is user error so a little help on what I am doing wrong would be helpful. I have addeda class feature that is for crits only. It applies to all weapon and spell crits. When I am in the attacher section creating this attacher to auto click the ability when a crit happens from the weapon the name of the attack changes to the ability instead of showing the class feature below like when you create sneak attack according to the documentation. I have attached a screen shot of the attacher I am creating. The table roll works fine just the first line with the repeating class feature code I am trying to get right. Okay so now I can't get a simple picture to attach. Hopefully you understand what I am talking about.

Edited 1552270213
Hello,&nbsp; I need help. I installed the Sheet today and then installed the script (not with the 1-click, but following the instructions there are on the 1-click interface). I then set the sheet to automatically use ammo on the settings page, and added the Arrows ammunition to the bows ammo, as well as 1 per use. However, I keep getting this mistake on the API console and the ammo doesn't decrease at all: Can someone help me? I don't know how to fix it.&nbsp;
API Scripter
Hi Rikkisa, Do you have an entry in the ammo section of the sheet for "Arrows" as well? The error is saying that it can't find that. Maybe post a screenshot of your "Offense" section so we can see what you have set up.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'd suggest deleting all ammo and then adding an ammo to an offense item. It'll then add the ammo for you.
I tried your advice, and I still got the error on the console. Here's what I got set up on the character sheet: Am I missing something?&nbsp;
Is there a way to reference levels in a custom class as a variable? Setting up for example the Revisited Artificer where some features such as the HP of the Alchemist's Homunculus scale off Artificer level specifically rather than overall level. For features of official classes it's easy, there's a for example warlock_level variable in the sheet for things that scale off that, but with it set to custom the only attributes I'm seeing when ctrl+fing through the list are level which is overall and class_and_level which prints the name of each class and the levels of it which doesn't help. Figure it might be there but not named something I've thought of, I ended up hardcoding the Proficiency formula for some stuff that scales off that since I couldn't find the variable for Proficiency Bonus thinking it would be spelled out and happened to find the pb one while looking for something else. Not a *super* big deal for me specifically since I don't currently plan on multiclassing so overall and class level would be close enough, it's just one of those "it works but is technically incorrect so it bugs me" things
Joseph M. said: Is there a way to reference levels in a custom class as a variable? Setting up for example the Revisited Artificer where some features such as the HP of the Alchemist's Homunculus scale off Artificer level specifically rather than overall level. For features of official classes it's easy, there's a for example warlock_level variable in the sheet for things that scale off that, but with it set to custom the only attributes I'm seeing when ctrl+fing through the list are level which is overall and class_and_level which prints the name of each class and the levels of it which doesn't help. Figure it might be there but not named something I've thought of, I ended up hardcoding the Proficiency formula for some stuff that scales off that since I couldn't find the variable for Proficiency Bonus thinking it would be spelled out and happened to find the pb one while looking for something else. Not a *super* big deal for me specifically since I don't currently plan on multiclassing so overall and class level would be close enough, it's just one of those "it works but is technically incorrect so it bugs me" things Easy way would be just reference the repeating section level attribute, so if the custom class is the first one on the list use @{NAME|repeating_class_$0_level}&nbsp; where name is the character name as referencing anything (can be done without though with just&nbsp;@{repeating_class_$0_level} ) You can replace $0 with the ID if you want, how to get that is in the documentation under&nbsp;Referencing Attributes, Macros, and Repeating Sections
Vanakoji said: Joseph M. said: Is there a way to reference levels in a custom class as a variable? Setting up for example the Revisited Artificer where some features such as the HP of the Alchemist's Homunculus scale off Artificer level specifically rather than overall level. For features of official classes it's easy, there's a for example warlock_level variable in the sheet for things that scale off that, but with it set to custom the only attributes I'm seeing when ctrl+fing through the list are level which is overall and class_and_level which prints the name of each class and the levels of it which doesn't help. Figure it might be there but not named something I've thought of, I ended up hardcoding the Proficiency formula for some stuff that scales off that since I couldn't find the variable for Proficiency Bonus thinking it would be spelled out and happened to find the pb one while looking for something else. Not a *super* big deal for me specifically since I don't currently plan on multiclassing so overall and class level would be close enough, it's just one of those "it works but is technically incorrect so it bugs me" things Easy way would be just reference the repeating section level attribute, so if the custom class is the first one on the list use @{NAME|repeating_class_$0_level}&nbsp; where name is the character name as referencing anything (can be done without though with just&nbsp;@{repeating_class_$0_level} ) You can replace $0 with the ID if you want, how to get that is in the documentation under&nbsp;Referencing Attributes, Macros, and Repeating Sections This seems to have worked, thank you
Drag and dropping a beholder from the MM compendium the sheet seems to be missing the different eye beams in actions. Is this normal? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Beholder is not in the SRD so it'd be difficult for me to test. If you open an issue on my issue tracker (see the bottom left of the sheet) and provide the json for the beholder I'll try to debug it.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I've done so, Kryx. Let me know if you need anything more.
Hey, have been using this sheet since the start and it's always served me and my group well! Your " Attributes and Macros List " from your documentation page appears to be unreadable for me, and I've forgotten all the things!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Should be fixed now. Let me know if it breaks in the future.
Fantastic! Thanks.

Edited 1553911057
Is there a way to reroll 1's and 2's on damage and/or healing rolls, but only once per roll on this sheet?&nbsp; Edit: Okay I figured it out, but it doesn't seem to work on extra dice for spells cast at a higher level. It's only doing the rerolls for any 1s on the base dice of the spell and there isn't a dice modifier box on the dice per level in the spells.&nbsp;
Whenever I toggle a modifier, the attack rolls are set to automatically roll the damage twice for crits. I created the following weapon: And this is its attack roll: But once I set up the following modifier, which adds +1 to weapon attack and damage rolls: This is how the attack roll became: So I was wondering if this is a bug or something that's intended, and if there is a way to toggle it off. I'd also like to know if there is a way to automatically roll damage twice on crits (and only on crits). Thanks in advance!

Edited 1554158243
That's happening because you have the modifier set at 1d0+1. You see that 1 in the first field after Weapon, delete that. That 1 should be GREY not BLACK. Black indicates a number is in the field, grey is the hint that a number is present. As a side note, the - is effectively a d0.