So I should make it 1d1 instead of 1d0+1?
Thiago S. said:
I'd also like to know if there is a way to automatically roll damage twice on crits (and only on crits). Thanks in advance!
The normal behavior is to roll the extra damage on Crits. The reason you see the roll here is because of that 1d0 is always considered a Crit.
But just for the sake of understanding, why does that call for a critical, anyway? Isn't it just bonus attack/damage, even if it's a non-existant value?
Can't speak to the inner workings of the Roll20 dice system, but if you were to string several die rolls together; say 1d6+1d4, if either dice rolls the maximum value it is considered a Critical roll for the entire set. In the case of 1d0, all rolls are considered a Critical roll. Modifiers work by tacking onto the end of what is being modified. The usual string added is something like: +1d6cf0cs0. That would normally cause that die roll to ignore the Critical failure or success check; but for the case of a 1d0 roll, it results in both a Critical failure and success. Hence the blue color, as 0 is both the maximum and minimum that die can roll.
In most cases, these are interpreted by the sheet. When you drag and drop a spell over it, it will take your character level into account when casting cantrips, and if a spell has higher level slots that you can cast it with, it will ask you.
keithcurtis said:
In most cases, these are interpreted by the sheet. When you drag and drop a spell over it, it will take your character level into account when casting cantrips, and if a spell has higher level slots that you can cast it with, it will ask you.
Strangely, no additional damage is being accounted for Fire Bolt cantrip.
Yeah, it does appear to be pulling in incompletely. I'm very used to the shaped script, which has the SRD built in for maximum compatibility.
I'm attaching a screen shot of the difference, but basically instead of 1d10, replace the 1 with:
[[ceil((@{level} + 2) / 6)]]
Which is the cantrip formula. Oddly, the script wants to lit it as a melee spell attack.
keithcurtis said:
Yeah, it does appear to be pulling in incompletely. I'm very used to the shaped script, which has the SRD built in for maximum compatibility.
I'm attaching a screen shot of the difference, but basically instead of 1d10, replace the 1 with:
[[ceil((@{level} + 2) / 6)]]Which is the cantrip formula. Oddly, the script wants to lit it as a melee spell attack.
Thank you! That works perfectly.
I'd like to handle certain saving throws in a different way than what the sheet offers, while still using some parts.
How can I set up this pink part (through macros or whatever) in the same way the sheet automatically does? (Allowing the target token to just click there to roll).
Edit: Nevermind, I managed to do it by using:
Edit 2: Oh well, some questions arised.
1 - How can I make the text bigger in free text (if there is a way)?
2 - How can I make text show on the line directly below the "dexterity" output but with smaller font and without skipping lines in the free form? Is there a command to toggle big text off?
The formats are pretty set by the roll template. You can change them using an extension like Stylus, but that would only affect your computer. You can use **bold** and *italics* by using asterisks. There is a text_big tag, but it's not built into the macros anymore, to my recollection. (It used to be a toggle).
Sadly, no. In order to change the Roll Template, you would need to have a Pro account so that you could copy and edit your own personal version of the sheet (I don't recommend this). Otherwise, your only options when using the preformatted macros is to make a your-browser-only change with Stylus.
You could pop out the text tab by double-clicking on the tab marker, and then use your browser to zoom in on the popped out window. Don't do this with the chat inside the window, though. The interface does not like being scaled.
calls for a Dexterity saving throw, how to call for a specific skill check (like Investigation, for instance)?
Skills are a repeating field. They are referenced by position on the list. You can see this in the mod section, where the skills are numbered, not named. Refer to the documentation for exact terminology, but if the skill were the 8th on the list, it would look something like:
in an ability command button
Thank you! That's pretty good.
By the way, I'm having trouble using my character ID. When I get the IDs of, say, a class feature, and it comes along with my character's ID, for some reason I keep getting the message "No character was found for '-LbJcoyJVaQY7ZCgkn_S'" when I try to reference it, which is weird, because that is exactly what my ID is.
And then when I use the character name, it works fine. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I've tried looking for this, but I can't seem to find anything...
I've got some monsters I'm putting into a campaign that have some miscellaneous bonuses to skill modifiers. Is there an easy way to adjust the final skill value for certain skills? I can't seem to get the "modifiers" section to actually update properly.
Edit: Nevermind, I was counting the skills wrong.
What's the most efficient way to handle Mage Armor's interaction with Unarmored Defense? Is there a way to change the modifier for AC?
Soffy said:
Is there a way to reference the level which the spell is being cast?
Mage armor reacts the same way regardless of level at which it is cast. Unless perhaps you are homebrewing it for higher levels.
I've used the shaped sheet for my entire duration of roll20 and gotten rather comfortable with it, but for the life of me cannot resolve an issue I am having. I have a character in one of my games, even though I use the same setup for all my games. No matter what I cannot get spell slot tracking to operate functionally, the spell works properly, even properly asking which level to cast at, but refuses to tick a slot mark on the character sheet.
Soffy said:
Is there a way to reference the level which a spell is being cast?
Please use the wiki. We spent a lot of time writing it. See
I think you're specifically looking for which lists "cast_as_level".
Please use the wiki.
Devin H. said:
I've used the shaped sheet for my entire duration of roll20 and gotten rather comfortable with it, but for the life of me cannot resolve an issue I am having. I have a character in one of my games, even though I use the same setup for all my games. No matter what I cannot get spell slot tracking to operate functionally, the spell works properly, even properly asking which level to cast at, but refuses to tick a slot mark on the character sheet.
This is a script issue. Your best bet is recreating the character which will likely take ~5-10 mins. That's the easiest option for all parties involved.
If you ask on the Script thread Lucian might join your game to help debug the issue, but that'll take more time for everyone.
Not sure if something went wrong earlier when I converted my game from default roll20 sheets to shaped sheets, but it seems the value of copper is incorrect. The sheet options show it as 1/1000 gp, when it should be 1/100 gp
Right, but if it's something wrong on the default sheet, was just trying to let whoever keeps them updated know that something's goofed.
Gotcha. There is an issue tracker for the Shaped Sheet. The developer, Kryx, prefers all issues to be reported there, for greater efficiency. Thanks for catching that, though.
Hello Kryx,
Thank you so much for this Sheet, it gives so much customization. I'd like to make a suggestion and request, that is, if possible, the addition of editing the formula for Armor Class as well. I personally use houserules to adjust AC to not being only DEX, so there is a complication for me in customizing that.
Hope you'll consider my suggestion. Thank you again.
Hey, Kryx:
I'm currently using the script "ChatSetAtt" to write values into attachers via API command buttons for a few homebrew class abilities. In the attacher, you can choose a specific checkbox for what enables it - I've been able to use ChatSetAtt to uncheck an attacher field (ex: uncheck the "Skill" checkbox), but I've been unable to figure out if I can write a value to enable a checkbox.
Is there an "expected value" to those checkboxes? I can deselect them by inserting a null value, but cant figure out what (if any) value would re-enable them.
Command option I'm using to deselect is "--repeating_attacher_-ID_skill_attacher| " and the one I'm looking for is the value to re-check the checkbox. !resetattr doesn't work unfortunately.
Checked and unchecked are 1 and 0 respectively. You could toggle them by setting the value to
or use the character ID instead of "selected" if you are not planning on using it as a token macro.
keithcurtis said:
Checked and unchecked are 1 and 0 respectively. You could toggle them by setting the value to
1-@{selected|repeating_attacher_-ID_skill_attacher}or use the character ID instead of "selected" if you are not planning on using it as a token macro.
Hm. I tried a few different ways (starting with the way you wrote down) and it seems to work on the first "toggle," but then after that it doesn't toggle any further. I have a workaround currently (I just have the attacher on the character sheet enabled, then use the API command button(s) to set the name and roll attachment - did this because the dice modifiers would keep breaking down on his sheet for some reason), but I'll keep plugging away at it.
Maybe I misunderstood and plugged something in wrong - I'm still very new to using this script and more complex macros/abilities. Here are the ones I tried without much luck (I'll use "1" for my example, but I've also done 0 and a null value to empty it):
!setattr --replace --charid -LMxLpIAeE_Ut9Rx_stz --repeating_attacher_-LdppYVCYCMyEMAnfrzf_skill_attacher|1
!setattr --replace --charid -LMxLpIAeE_Ut9Rx_stz --repeating_attacher_-LdppYVCYCMyEMAnfrzf_skill_attacher|1-`{-LMxLpIAeE_Ut9Rx_stz\|repeating_attacher_-
!setattr --replace --charid -LMxLpIAeE_Ut9Rx_stz --repeating_attacher_-LdppYVCYCMyEMAnfrzf_skill_attacher|1+`{-LMxLpIAeE_Ut9Rx_stz\|repeating_attacher_-LdppYVCYCMyEMAnfrzf_skill_attacher}
Is there something wrong with the syntax I'm using? Or is the field just a bit touchy for use with regards to the API? The other way I'm currently using works, just trying to cut down on the information having to be passed through the API at any given point from this.
Try deleting the space after the + or the - ?
You could also replace the
for its position in the number of attachers. $0 is the first, $1 the second and so on.
So, the "$0 RowID" method works much more reliably than the previous method (thanks!), but I think there is an error in trying to process this field. I noticed it this time (maybe because I had rolls visible on screen) but when I do the command to set the attacher value to any value (unclicked or clicked) it causes something very weird to happen with my roll chat where everything just disappears. Your method reliably disables the checkbox, but I have still had no success on re-checking the box. Here's what happens when I successfully uncheck or attempt to recheck the field:
Those were once filled with roll results in the chat. Now, it should be noted that these are another character's rolls when
this happened who also has an attacher set in the $0 ID field. Their actual sheet is not affected by the entered command (so the "CharID" option works). I don't get any API script errors when I do
this;I just have this effect (plus no feedback on rolls/more commands)
until I reload the page. It might be that there's a conflict in the way
the checkbox is processed in the sheet and the way that ChatSetAttr is
trying to write into it. Either way, I'm pretty sure this isn't a script command issue on my part as every other part of the attacher can be written into/emptied without issue using the same command. Kind of weird that it's happening, but then again, also kind of weird that I'm trying to do this lol. I have a few workarounds to make what I need work, so I'm not too worried about it. Thanks for the help, though!
I've recently bought an apartment and have been doing a ton of work on that. I've finally moved in and am somewhat settled this weekend, but my free time is still limited.
Roll20 is making more and more breaking changes to their API without informing me or other developers of the details. If you need the very latest then the OGL sheet is a better fit based on how Roll20 has chosen to move forward.