Summer's going flying-brick for a couple reasons. First, to make Alycia feel comfortable. Second, as a metaphysical science experiment, to see if the coincidental butterfly motif with Daph is actually coincidental (as a player, I know it is, but I thought it made for a neat plot point, stemming from the conversation A&S had about religion). She'd love to go back to the fairy-princess look, as long as Alycia explicitly expressed approval (which could be on the horizon?), but she also does want to encounter Daph as Radiance and see what happens. I'd love for Doyce to pick this up and do something neat with it, if he's so inclined, but if that doesn't happen, we can figure out something else. I don't know what you're saying about the Jordan comics, though. Steggy is totally canonical. Nobody said, but he's the viewpoint character for our game.