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Score + 314

Edited 1596036310
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It is very sad to see that this was closed and that Roll20 basically said they not interested in doing somethign like this. Multiple Character Sheet Layouts A few of us Pro players & Sheet creators really want to be able to create 2 or 3 simple sheets that we can load in our game. Just on a basic level it would be nice to have completely different sheets for use as Monster Sheets, Vehicle Sheets, NPC Sheets and PC sheets and even better would be to be able to load different PC sheets so we do not have to create one sheet to cater for every possible option of play.   Yes we are able to use tabs and hide sections to make huge sheets that cater for everything but it means we have large cumbersome sheets that become more difficult to maintain as we try to cater for more and more options.  And some people like playing cross over games where you actually need character sheets from more than one system. Please roll20 lets start a sensible discussion on how we can allow for multiple character sheets to be loaded in a game. One DM wants 1 or 2 sheets, and another wants 3 or 4 sheets. Why should this not be possible? 
Having individual sheets devoted to PC's, NPC's, Monsters, Vehicles, Cities, etc would be very helpful to have. And just the prospect of having to maintain a single sheet which incorporates each of these different things can be cumbersome. Also playing a game (like Pathfinder) which has multiple popular 3rd Party systems (Spheres of Power/Might, Path of War, Psionics, Akashik Mysteries) it would be useful to have individual character sheets catered to each individual system. I also have played games where a D&D 3.5 character adventured alongside a party of D20 Modern characters. Being able to upload sheets from multiple systems would've also been helpful in the campaign. So yes, I think this really needs to become a thing for Roll20.
The other thing that could be done is to have those topics - PCs, NPCs, Monters, et cetera - as tabs on one character sheet, like i have seen on several character sheets already. If it is possible to drag and drop tab templates onto the custom sheet, that would also achieve the same goal.
rschweik said: The other thing that could be done is to have those topics - PCs, NPCs, Monters, et cetera - as tabs on one character sheet, like i have seen on several character sheets already. If it is possible to drag and drop tab templates onto the custom sheet, that would also achieve the same goal. The problem with having them as tabs is 1) It makes for extremely large sheets (which may slow down performance), 2) It wont support cross game systems, and 3) Less likely to support popular 3rd party content. Ultimately, it would be much better to allow multiple different sheets than to force multiple tabs.

Edited 1529613477
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Simon said: The problem with having them as tabs is 1) It makes for extremely large sheets (which may slow down performance), 2) It wont support cross game systems, and 3) Less likely to support popular 3rd party content. Ultimately, it would be much better to allow multiple different sheets than to force multiple tabs. PREACH IT BROTHER! And you know .... WHAT SIMON SAYS! ... :D
Mike W.
Sheet Author
+1 for all the good it will do.
Sheet Author
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Mike W. said: +1 for all the good it will do. We try, hopefully Roll20 will realise that we put a lot of time, effort and money into this platform and it is really not that hard to offer thse kinds of features.
Please god, yes. This would be enormously helpful for me. I run Werewolf:The  Apocalypse and construct other supernaturals with the rulesets of their respective games. Alas, I can only use the Werewolf character sheets in game, so I have to keep piles of paper sheets for the others, along with not having access to automatic dice rolls and such for them
It would help in my Traveller game as well.  I have one sheet for the characters and a separate sheet for ships.  My current workaround is I have two games and all of my players are members of both.  When a space battle or anything that involves the ships happens, I tell everyone to open the the other game in a separate window or tab and we go from there. It would be a lot more convenient to have everything in one game.
+1 because Alex said so.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
So few votes I cant believe people can not see the benefit of allowing multiple character sheets to exist for a game system and being able to load them in a game. Yes you can make one charactersheet with different tabs for different looks and feel, but it very quickly slows your game down. And it is annoying having all the optional stuff on a sheet if you never gonna use them. This way you can have class/race/NPC/Monster/Henchmen type sheets which are all the smallest possible size to make each of them meet the requirements for that use. And you not creating super large character sheets that needs to load for each player.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gargamond said: +1 because Alex said so. LOL awww thanks Justin, I want to improve the sheets for people and having multiple options, as well as ability to load multiple in a game will bring so much benefits.

Edited 1593545737
multiple sheets would be AMAZING!!! why would they want to limit their paying customers in such a simple thing? especially when you do so much for the sheets as it is..... roll20, pull your heads out, sheet TYPES would be much better in the long run for everyone, especially in games where there is such a huge variety of cast/crew
I can definitely see this as a useful tool.  Definitely for games set in WoD.  Like Dante said, each sheet is different for each of the various character types.  being able to have multiple sheets would be awesome.   I have used it for Star Wars D6 rules and it would be nice to have vehicle and ship sheets separate from the character sheets. I mostly play AD&D and even for that it would nice to have a legitimate monster sheet instead of a tab on a player sheet.  
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Paul W. said: multiple sheets would be AMAZING!!! why would they want to limit their paying customers in such a simple thing? especially when you do so much for the sheets as it is..... roll20, pull your heads out, sheet TYPES would be much better in the long run for everyone, especially in games where there is such a huge variety of cast/crew Exactly Paul, as a developer I can think of so many ways to build this. It should be relatively easy to manage. Lots of different game systems could benefit from this one.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Clifford M. said: I can definitely see this as a useful tool.  Definitely for games set in WoD.  Like Dante said, each sheet is different for each of the various character types.  being able to have multiple sheets would be awesome.   I have used it for Star Wars D6 rules and it would be nice to have vehicle and ship sheets separate from the character sheets. I mostly play AD&D and even for that it would nice to have a legitimate monster sheet instead of a tab on a player sheet.   Yes Cliff some game systems actually can not work without multiple sheets, so DM/GM/ST/Keeper has to come up with other ways of doing this. And I also think games like Star Wars, Shadow Run, Renegade Legion, D&D, White Wolf/World of Darkness would benefit greatly from this.
Some games? If you want stated NPC or play Darksun or just to have them. I agree with this msj

Edited 1593547172
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nice to see some momentum on this, if you know other peoples in Roll20 community that DM/GM/ST/etc please ask them to come give this an upvote. Remember we have to aim for at least 200 votes before Roll20 team will look at this. And I know in past there has been a few similar threats started that all ran dead.

Edited 1593552989
Forum Champion
I need this feature. It's to be able to use the 5E and Pathfinder modules (with the monsters that you pay for), and yet to use a Children's or Basic (Simplified) or Visually Accessible or Open Source character sheet. As more people play games outside of D&amp;D, Roll20 can continue to sell the 5E adventure products that would be compatible, only if the game table can support a secondary, different character sheet. Is this thread the same idea as another that has +50 votes also? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> +1 to both, FWIW
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gold said: Is this thread the same idea as another that has +50 votes also? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> +1 to both, FWIW I gave that one also a +1 not sure why people start new threads for same issue
Absolutely +1 Alex
Im all for it +1 Alex....however is the proper place to vote?
+1 from me. Right now I have two games created for my Traveller Campaign. One for the characters with a "character" character sheet and one for space battles with a "ship" character sheet. It would be great if the players didn't have to switch between games.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Terry P. said: +1 from me. Right now I have two games created for my Traveller Campaign. One for the characters with a "character" character sheet and one for space battles with a "ship" character sheet. It would be great if the players didn't have to switch between games. Yes there are a few games that really need multiple sheets to truly work. And I am not sure why it is such a big thing for Roll20 Dev team to implement.
+1. I hope this would lead the way to API UI, as that is something that is also VERY needed.
I didn't knew about this post here and I ended up making one too. Take my vote!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Rago said: I didn't knew about this post here and I ended up making one too. Take my vote! no worries :) we just need to try get counts up so we can get it resolved
Forum Champion
I noticed some other Suggestions in the Suggestions forum, have a bright red "Character Sheets" tag on the subject line. Can a Mod of Roll20 Team please add the CHARACTER SHEETS tag to this thread? Thanks so much!
Gold said: It's to be able to use the 5E and Pathfinder modules (with the monsters that you pay for), and yet to use a Children's or Basic (Simplified) or Visually Accessible or Open Source character sheet. Me too, very much so! I was just about to get my young nephews into D&amp;D4e, and had designed them a simple, colourful, postcard-sized sheet based on the pre-made "Encounters" products. Then covid happened and we switched to VTT, and I don't know how to handle going forward with that game because the kids defintely don't have the headspace to process or care about all the stuff on the full-sized sheet :\ Even setting that aside, I'd like to stat up monsters for my regular 4e game as well. Monsters are wonderfully simple in 4e, and I could really use a separate NPC sheet that reflects that, rather than requiring them to have all the extra PC-specific junk. That game also uses special NPCs who are "cohorts", travelling with the party and having special abilities, but not being combat entities. They're almost like magic items in mechanical terms. I'd love to be able to make them sheets too. So yeah big ol +1 forever
Sheet Author
It would also be a great feature to add "extra sheets" that incorporate specific mechanics to only those characters that need them - extensive sections for spells for example, that are unnecessary on non-spellcaster characters, oder additional sheets for animals, vehicles etc. of a character.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Rondragos said: It would also be a great feature to add "extra sheets" that incorporate specific mechanics to only those characters that need them - extensive sections for spells for example, that are unnecessary on non-spellcaster characters, oder additional sheets for animals, vehicles etc. of a character. most definitely, sheets specific to a class. The possibilities become endless if you allow multiple sheets in a game and you use a folder like structure to group sheets belonging to same game system.
Playing Pathfinder 1st Ed, I find the official Roll 20 sheet frustrating in that it has 2 modes, but there are really 3 needed. The PC mode allows the use of a "Buffs and Conditions" to apply bonuses and penalties dynamically. This same functionality would be useful for unique NPCs who don't need a full PC treatment (tracking multiple levels and classes) but don't "share" tokens with other instances -- this is the missing mode. The NPC/Monster mode presents a stat-block based set of parameters, but conditions and buffs cannot be applied to the creature.&nbsp; Aside from that, sheets for Armies, Kingdoms, Rebel Groups, etc. would be useful for specific Adventure Paths. Kingdom-based and Army-based sheet applies beyond the AP as the rules have been generalized.&nbsp;
The Battletech games have 'mechs, tanks, aerospace units, dudes, platoons of infantry, spaceships, starbases, starfighters, seafaring ships, subs, helicopters, superheavy 'mech units with divergent structures, cars, tripedal 'mechs, dropships with multiple sub-layouts, and planets to get stat sheets for, and often you will have battles with many of these elements engaged at once. There is basically no way to run A Time of War or similar without multiple sheets.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, I did not even think about games like Renegade Legions, Battletech, Mechwarriorm Rifts, ... So many games that do really need multiple sheets. Hexidecimark said: The Battletech games have 'mechs, tanks, aerospace units, dudes, platoons of infantry, spaceships, starbases, starfighters, seafaring ships, subs, helicopters, superheavy 'mech units with divergent structures, cars, tripedal 'mechs, dropships with multiple sub-layouts, and planets to get stat sheets for, and often you will have battles with many of these elements engaged at once. There is basically no way to run A Time of War or similar without multiple sheets.
Take my vote. Take all my votes. I run a crossover Werewolf: the Apocalypse and Mage: the Ascension game with PCs from both, and fomori and all sorts of other things. Not having access to multiple sheets is a serious hindrance to my ability to make heavy use of Roll20.
If you really want this feature, there is another suggestion thread for it with a few more votes (54 vs 41 for this suggestion, at the time of this post). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please vote for that one instead. If you voted for this one, please cancel your vote here and move it (and your comments!) to that one. If you voted for both, it's not really helping this feature get added any faster. Dividing the suggestion over two threads just diffuses the focus.
This would be incredibly useful for Organized Play (specifically for Pathfinder), as multiple sheets have popularity.&nbsp; Having to create a brand-new version to play in a specific game is frustrating, and things are growing quickly.

Edited 1596281118
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Rabulias said: Please vote for that one instead. If you voted for this one, please cancel your vote here and move it (and your comments!) to that one. If you voted for both, it's not really helping this feature get added any faster. Dividing the suggestion over two threads just diffuses the focus. This issue is much older so the new one should never have been created, so maybe cancel your vote there and move it here?
It's not the age that determines developer attention, it's the number of votes, and we are a long way from the 200 that is needed. So yes, we can move all the votes and ideas to this suggestion instead, but it would be easier to move from the one that has fewer votes to the one that has more votes. Doesn't that seem logical?
I'd use this for Party Loot sheet with some handy scripting to track coinage and Give/take/distribute items from the loot pile to PC sheets. I'd only want a different sheet per Journal item, I wouldn't need tabbed sheets for one journal item.
I thought I would consolidate both the competing threads into this thread here. The other thread has a few more votes, but I think this is the definitive thread due to it's age, the amount of comments, the quality of input in the discussion and the 'character sheets' tag that has been added to the thread. I will be posting the comments from the newer thread below so that all the input will be in this thread - the master thread for requesting the ability to use multiple character sheets in a game. Let's unite and get this request to 200 votes! More than 1 character sheet template Rago&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report I would like to suggest we have more than 1 character sheet template (or similar customizable object) available at each game. This has the potential of improve a lot of game systems since many times we need to track more things than just the characters. ...for example, long home made campaign could benefit from a city-sheet in addition to player's character sheet; this city-sheet could hold good amount of organized data about each the cities visited during the campain, including the possibility of having random generators, list of important building and events, etc. These extra sheets would be customizable as the current chraracter sheet it (with the right subscription tier one would be able to make its own custom sheet). November 22 (8 months ago) Rago&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report 75 views and only one "+1"... Maybe my suggestion was not that useful as I imagined. =] November 22 (8 months ago) Edited&nbsp; November 22 (8 months ago) 📜🗡Andreas J.🏹📜&nbsp; Forum Champion &nbsp; Sheet Author Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Don't debate the suggestion's merit, and don't discuss why it will or will not happen. That stifles conversation in the Suggestions Forum. This rule essentially restrict me from replying to this suggestion, and I'm probably not the only one. Maybe my suggestion was not that useful as I imagined. =] Most people don't have too many votes to share, and IIRC free users start with 0 or 1 vote, so this can well been seen by many who don't have a vote to spare. This suggestion could well be useful, but it doesn't have to correlate with how requested/wanted it is. Many technical/character sheet related suggestions doesn't gain too many votes. Workaround: &nbsp;As you're a Pro user, you could use the&nbsp; Tabs &nbsp;implementation to add a extra page to any character sheet you use in your game, and add info fields for the kind of info city-centric info you're looking for. There exist some character sheet that does contains "extra" space for that kind of info, but probably few if none with the breath you're looking for. If you manage to create a "City" info tab well, you could fairly easy apply it to some other sheet later after you managed to get the first implementation working. It's also quite possible there already exist near-identical suggestion, but with a different example. Pretty sure I've seen this been brought up a couple of times before(could be outside the Suggestion Forums, not sure) November 30 (8 months ago) Mark G.&nbsp; KS Backer Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report As another example, or set of examples, Pathfinder Adventure Paths have often introduced non-character Stat sheets specific to and needed for the campaign.&nbsp; Jade Regent: Caravans Serpent's Skull: Expeditions Skull &amp; Shackles: Pirate Ships/Fleets Kingmaker: Kingdom and Army sheets Hell's Rebels: Rebel Organization Ironfang Invasion: Militia force (rules elements explained in the Lands of Conflict supplement)&nbsp; The Tabs work-around would likely be more suitable for Downtime tracking (from the Ultimate Campaign rulebook, which adds a new "page" for Downtime to the Character record/folio).&nbsp; December 08 (8 months ago) Allan&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report This would be essential for a WoD game where the players have different character types (e.g Vampire or Mage). December 16 (8 months ago) Edited&nbsp; January 07 (7 months ago) Gold&nbsp; Forum Champion Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report This would let me run D&amp;D 5E, Pathfinder, or other "official" modules but use a more simple character sheet system for the Players. So the built-in monsters would still have all the nice stats and rolls and info from the Module.&nbsp; But it could be running in a more basic or more old-school game system at the same time, or just a simplified Custom sheet based on the same game (for kids, or tailored for my house rules, or made especially for introducing new players). January 05 (7 months ago) Edited&nbsp; January 05 (7 months ago) Danii&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report This would allow me to switch to a new and better supported sheet for my players and keep the old monster characters.&nbsp; +1 January 13 (7 months ago) Morgan M.&nbsp; Plus Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Pathfinder: Ultimate Campaign would benefit from this, as it adds three different sheets that aren't characters (Kingdom sheet, Downtime Tracker sheet, Army sheet) January 14 (7 months ago) Len B.&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report This would be good February 21 (5 months ago) AndrewS (GM)&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report I would love the option to run a pathfinder adventure using the D&amp;D 5E rules; specifically Rise of the Runelords. Even if Paizo would sell a shell of the campaign, just including maps, tokens and adventure text; but no links to the compendium - that would be great. I'd be happy to link all these assets up to the 5E compendium myself if that was the case. However a version that supports multiple sheets would be much better.&nbsp; February 23 (5 months ago) Tuck S.&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report I want to make sheets for vehicles, NPCs, classes... so many ways the game could be more efficient with multiple sheets per game. February 27 (5 months ago) The Pretender&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report In certain RPGs like the Pokémon Tabletop United game, this would be really helpful, where characters and pokémon follow different rules that would be easy to confuse on the same sheet. For most games, where there's a difference between NPCs and PCs, having a different sheet for both would streamline them a lot. February 28 (5 months ago) Kahuna&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Dig this idea, perhaps as another field in the 'Edit [Character]' menu, so that you could switch between sheets on the fly with the same character.&nbsp; March 06 (5 months ago) Hildy&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report While some sheet designers have found ways around this (see the Blades in the Dark sheet which includes Crew and Factions sheets), I could see there being some benefit to allowing "secondary sheets" into the game. March 16 (5 months ago) JJL&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report This would be really handy when running modules, but players prefer non official sheets April 12 (4 months ago) Skylar Dash&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report This would allow me to much more easily use Matt Colville's Mass Combat system that is designed to work with D&amp;D 5E but uses very different stat sheets for mass combat encounters. April 15 (4 months ago) Lander&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Skylar Dash &nbsp;said: This would allow me to much more easily use Matt Colville's Mass Combat system that is designed to work with D&amp;D 5E but uses very different stat sheets for mass combat encounters. This is exactly why I came here. +1 May 11 (3 months ago) Second A. Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Got my first +1 because it just doesn't make sense to me that we can't use more than a single kind of character sheet, especially when some systems like the ones mentioned here and a system I am running uses more than one kind of sheet for different things. May 12 (3 months ago) CarnivorousMeat&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Allan &nbsp;said: This would be essential for a WoD game where the players have different character types (e.g Vampire or Mage). I was hunting this down to say the exact thing. Our group plays WoD across the spectrum of "species?" and would love to see the ability to use multiple sheets (up to maybe 3 or 4 different ones). Put in a submenu when creating the character sheet with a pulldown that lists all the potential options? June 04 (2 months ago) Shade Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Sure. If only to show that I would be in support for the work that it would entail. +1 July 01 (1 month ago) AquaAlex&nbsp; Pro &nbsp; Sheet Author &nbsp; Translator &nbsp; API Scripter Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Rago &nbsp;said: I would like to suggest we have more than 1 character sheet template (or similar customizable object) available at each game. This has the potential of improve a lot of game systems since many times we need to track more things than just the characters. ...for example, long home made campaign could benefit from a city-sheet in addition to player's character sheet; this city-sheet could hold good amount of organized data about each the cities visited during the campain, including the possibility of having random generators, list of important building and events, etc. These extra sheets would be customizable as the current chraracter sheet it (with the right subscription tier one would be able to make its own custom sheet). Should have rather upvote already created, but I will vote here as well hopefully we can get one of these high enough so they will finally resolve this. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> July 07 (1 month ago) AquaAlex&nbsp; Pro &nbsp; Sheet Author &nbsp; Translator &nbsp; API Scripter Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Guys if you voted for this feature please also vote for the older post on similar topic so we do not end up splitting votes across two issues when it is the same. We need a certain number of votes before ROLL20 team looks at a suggestion. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> July 08 (1 month ago) Rabulias&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report IMO, it would be best to ask Roll20 to close the other thread instead of keeping both, or possibly combining the two if they can. Keeping two open threads will always make it possible for a user to vote for one but not the other (and some people only have one vote). If there is only one thread, with all the votes, it increases the chances of getting to 200 votes. August 01 (2 weeks ago) AquaAlex&nbsp; Pro &nbsp; Sheet Author &nbsp; Translator &nbsp; API Scripter Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report Rabulias &nbsp;said: IMO, it would be best to ask Roll20 to close the other thread instead of keeping both, or possibly combining the two if they can. Keeping two open threads will always make it possible for a user to vote for one but not the other (and some people only have one vote). If there is only one thread, with all the votes, it increases the chances of getting to 200 votes. Or maybe close the threat that should not have been open as it is similar to a previous suggestion?&nbsp; August 02 (2 weeks ago) Rabulias&nbsp; Pro Permalink &nbsp; Quote &nbsp; Report It seems you are more interested in having your own thread than having this feature move forward. Fine. I have no vested interest in one thread over the other except the number of votes. I just want one, consolidated suggestion.
My own thoughts on this fabulous idea: I'm currently running a 5e game completely online and while the ogl sheet is pretty spick and span in some areas, there are others where I feel it falls short - namely equipment and spells. It seems to me like having the ability to have more than one character sheet in a game would be amazing way to solve issues like this (and many more) while taking the onus off the roll20 devs to do most of the work. By creating the the ability to have multiple sheets in a game you outsource these problem solving issues to the sheet-authoring community which I imagine will probably design all sorts of amazing tools for GM's and players which will lift the value of the platform. In the same way that members of the community have found and shared useful workarounds for other problems using handouts and card decks in creative ways, I think that having the functionality of multiple custom character sheets will be able to solve many issues that people are bringing up in other threads. Users could design sheets that take care of: - Party Treasure - Treasure Hoard - Character Equipment - Character Spells - Caravans and Packhorses - Bottomless bags - Keeps and Fortresses - Sailing Ships - Treasure chests! - Factions - Armies and group battle sheets - Different types of NPC's (ogl npc sheets aren't always appropriate, and neither are PC sheets) This is just stuff off the top of my head. I'm sure the stuff people will come up with will be endless. Honestly, if it were possible to deliver this feature in the short term, and then deliver drag and drop compatibility between character sheets as a distant future goal, then this platform would become insanely more competitive and valuable to people who are running dice and character sheets out of roll 20. Who even needs a custom compendium for things like spells and equipment when you could input it into a master spell or equipment sheet and then just drag it to a player when they need it? It would be insane. Anyway, the ability to have more than one character sheet would be heaps for now. I think that in itself would be amazing. Disclaimer: I'm not a programmer and I have no idea how difficult it would be to introduce these sorts of features, but allowing for more than one character sheet to be available in a game as a start doesn't sound like an unobtainable feat on surface value.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Some great points/ideas and Like the more detailed list of various sheets! Daniel P. said: Users could design sheets that take care of: - Party Treasure - Treasure Hoard - Character Equipment - Character Spells - Caravans and Packhorses - Bottomless bags - Keeps and Fortresses - Sailing Ships - Treasure chests! - Factions - Armies and group battle sheets - Different types of NPC's (ogl npc sheets aren't always appropriate, and neither are PC sheets)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
AquaAlex said: Some great points/ideas and Like the more detailed list of various sheets! Daniel P. said: Users could design sheets that take care of: - Party Treasure - Treasure Hoard - Character Equipment - Character Spells - Caravans and Packhorses - Bottomless bags - Keeps and Fortresses - Sailing Ships - Treasure chests! - Factions - Armies and group battle sheets - Different types of NPC's (ogl npc sheets aren't always appropriate, and neither are PC sheets) Yeah, making universal versions of these that could be used in a variety of games. This could also be used to include Roll Templates from multiple sheets, like having a "Treasure Hoard"-character sheet that includes a few appropriate roll templates, like a better version of the default roll template.
I want to be able to buy pathfinder modules and run them as 5e
API Scripter
Given that 5e includes "sidekick" type sheets in the upcoming book, and vehicles have been around since Ghosts of Saltmarsh... the idea of different types of character sheet in a single game is a bit overdue...&nbsp;
Forum Champion
The PRO forum has a post announcing some Character Sheet improvements that Roll20 is working on. Does not say directly if this Suggestion will make the cut or not. Hopefully!
Sheet Author
+1 What an improvement would it be ^^ I'd love to use this as trackers for the GM : for my "Adventures in middle earth" campaign, I'd like to track the travel information, for my Cthulhu-like game, I'd like to track numbers/text for activating problems and sanity for different players. My use case wouldn’t be battles or vehicles, but trackers (and linked macros) associated to some meta-information. As well as some NPC stats. How to deal asymmetric rules where NPC have different stats than PC ?
+1&nbsp; This would be amazing for the game I'm planning right now. As it stands, I need a second character sheet because I'll be running a high seas game and to put it mildly, the existing Pathfinder character sheet that my players will be using for their characters does not exactly translate well for stating out a pirate ship. The ability to bring in a second type of character sheet for that purpose would be a god send. Otherwise, I'd have to look at weird janky options involving google drive/docs or something, not really sure yet.