As a player, I have been using some query macros for pathfinder skills to cut down on the number of token actions. For example, I have one labeled "Athletics" which then asks "Skill?" with a drop down menu allowing me to choose from Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Climb, and Swim. This has been working alright for me, but I thought I would give a the chat macro menu trick a try. I set up individual macros named Acrobatics, EArtist, Climb, and Swim. They all work fine individually, and they all look something like: &{template:default} {{name=Harlan attempts to swim}} {{Swim attempt = [[1d20 + @{swim}]]}} Then I set up the chat macro menu. It brings up the menu just fine, and the menu code looks like this: /w Harlan &{template:default} {{name=Harlan Athletic Abilities}} {{[Acrobatics](~Acrobatics)[Climb](~Climb)[Escape Artist](~EArtist)[Swim](~Swim)}} So, that brings up the purple box with the 4 buttons. All 4 base macros when used directly work. But when I try to call one of the four macros from one of the buttons I get: TypeError: l is undefined I'm not sure what that means other than I am probably overlooking something extremely simple. What am I missing?