Oh, that's fun . From the linked thread, it looks like you want to set it to {{query=1}} ?{Advantage?|Normal Roll,&#123&#123normal=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[0d20|Advantage,&#123&#123advantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{d20}|Disadvantage,&#123&#123disadvantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{d20}} including all the escapes? I'm sure that's possible, but it's a pain in the ass to actually write out. You also have to write it all in line because of how roll20 parses the braces (which you could escape, but let's not get crazy...). The following will maybe work. It might also break chat output, I have no idea. This has also made me realize that some interesting replacers are missing which would make this less of a pain to write. !setattr --rtype#{{query=1}} \ques{Advantage?\|Normal Roll,&#123&#123normal=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=\lbrak\lbrak0d20\|Advantage,&#123&#123advantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=\lbrak\lbrak\at{d20}\|Disadvantage,&#123&#123disadvantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=\lbrak\lbrak\at{d20}} --sel
Of course, you can combine it with the other two in one command if you want to.