Is there a way, through API or existing means, to have the game self identify who the player is so that any chat with the respective call will return who it is that called it? I know of the "/talktomyself" deal. But what I'm looking for would go in Macros to have the chat output ONLY register to them. Currently I have to "/w gm" in macro menus all the time, which clutters my screen when it is called by 6 players. Is there a better way?
what I'm looking for would be something like (in game):
/w self Hello to myself ...
or, if an API exists,
/w !SelfID Hello to myself ...
which would output:
(To Wolf Thunderspirit): Hello to myself ...
based on my account name, but the exact same call would output to the "Blarg account" as:
(To Blarg): Hello to myself ...