How do people handle setting up for combat in Roll20 with a non-standard game (meaning a directly supported game system)? I just set up a map that was going to have a fair number of npc tokens. I created a character sheet with the map name and wrote up macros for each type of enemy (and potential allies) and marked them as token actions. Then I created the tokens and linked them back to the sheet, but gave each their own name. This will allow me to click on a token while that scenario is playing out and select whichever macro fits that character from the token macro bar. While this seems like it will work out fine, I can't help feeling there might be an easier way to go about this. I can't recall running across any posts about this, though I certainly could have (and have forgotten about them). How do others go about setting up "one-shot" multiple npcs for a game system that isn't integrated into Roll20?