Hi, I'm using the Dungeon Crawl Classics character sheet, but I have created my own fork of it, as there is some functionality that I wanted to add. One thing I want to do, but really don't understand how, is how to create a sheet worker script to programmatically choose the highest 'fumble die' in a repeating section of armor, with an arbitrary number of entries? The 'fumble die' is an n-sided die that's rolled when the character fumbles his attack, and the size/number of sides on the die is worse with heavier armor. It starts as a 'd4' for unarmored characters (and should default to this when there are no armor entries in the repeating_armor section), and goes up to 'd16' for plate-armored characters; shields are a 'd8'. I'm a noob in programming; sorting routines (which I think this needs, but I'm probably wrong) are not something I have a grasp on, especially when the number of entries is arbitrary. The attribute that needs to be changed automatically is called 'armorFumbleDie'. The repeating section is 'repeating_armor', the relevant entries in the repeating section are 'armorFumbleDie', and it should only be looking at repeating entries with the 'armorActive' checkbox checked (i.e. don't grab info from armor the character isn't wearing). I guess it would need to be updated anytime an entry was added or removed from the repeating_armor section, or when any 'armorFumbleDie' entries were changed in that section, or when any 'armorActive' checkbox is changed. Can anyone help with this?