You examine your spoils, taken from an ancient temple in the Chultan jungle, around which sit the ruins of Camp Righteous. There isn't much, but you take the time to examine the jug you found and it is a powerful magical item - able to produce a large number of liquids.Denny is continuing to grow more feral, and is suspected that he has been infected with lycanthopy from the wereboar they fought some time ago. The next day you continue up the river towards Camp Vengence. Hopefully that camp is still inhabited and you are able to trade for supplies to take you all the way to Orolunga. On the first night you are disturbed by some birds who demand gems in exchange for knowledge. As you do not have gems, they attack. You defeat them and head off the next day towards Camp Vengence. As the light starts to dim, through the foliage, you see a crude timber fortification—a walled compound with watchtowers and tents inside it, encircled by a ditch bristling with sharpened stakes. A large gatehouse faces the river, on the shore of which are four rowboats tied to a wooden post. Scattered around the fort are piles of charred human corpses and flayed animal carcasses swarming with flies. Azaka stays back, refusing to approach the fortification. You talk with the guards, trying to convince them of your good intentions and eventually you get to talk with one of the Captains - Ord Firebeard, a dwarven veteran. When he learns that two of your party have healing ability he brings you into the camp. The camp is well fortified, but that’s not to say the camp is a hale and healthy place. Unwholesome vapors and clouds of insects descend on it from the pestilential Aldani Basin lying only a few miles to the south. The knights stationed here are disease-ridden and exhausted from their constant battles against giant jungle carnivores by day and undead horrors by night. You are introduced to Niles Breakbone, the commander of the garrison and a fervent worshiper of Tyr. When he sees that all of the group are 'sub-human' he is ready to throw you out, but then he is told that there are healers among you. He then tells you that you have to stay. He explains that he is fighting a war against the evil undead, and that your mission is no longer of importance. Tywrong and B'urp seem of little use to him, so they are able to convince him to allow them to leave in the morning, but not Denny and Besh. They are forced to swear fealty to the cause. They are then taken to the healing tent where 12 very ill soldiers are being tended. Sister Cyas explains that she has healing powers from her gods, but that the soldiers get sick quicker than she can heal them. She is very grateful that more healers are now available. Denny asks if she can remove curses and she says she will pray overnight to gain this power. You all stay the night, during which the fort is swarmed by forces of undead, including an undead tyrannosaurus..  In the morning Tywrong and B'urp are expelled from the fortification and head a small way downriver to await their friends. Sister Cyas casts remove curse on Denny after which he feels much more himself again. Denny and Bseh spend the day tending to the sick, and as night falls and rain sets in, they attempt to sneak out of the camp. They do so, but are spotted, with some arrows fired in their direction. They make their way down the river to where they are re-united with the rest of the group.