Gann slowly limps towards the village and scans his surroundings for anyone who might appear either elderly or knowledgeable. He attempts to speak to a pair of wandering women but his feral looks and vagrant odour makes them avoid him with no response to his crude Mercian questions. He points afar towards the mound as they walk off. "There's this woman, and she needs help." he turns to some aged man carrying a wrap of rope who mutters something and continues before he would hear the rest, "Healer, even a birth woman will do. Do you know any?" Eventually, Gann stops to give his leg some rest and get a defeated look around. He realizes he has been pushing his leg too much as the pain gets too intense even for someone used to the punishment of lasting injury. He notices to his left when Kara in her armored outfit walks into the tavern longhouse. Gann take another inhale to bolster himself, and then hobbles towards it.
Once inside, he squints his eyes and grits teeth. The laughter, the noise coming from every direction, the smell of food assaults his senses. For a man who has not tasted anything in days but few earthy gifts, he takes moment to compose and then continue towards where he recognizes Kara, as well as Branok and Gawen in a company of a stranger.