So I'm pondering some time passing as we start up session 52. Not a LOT of time, but enough for some 'never seem to get to it' thing to ... have been gotten to. * Some Ponies working a command center out of the Quill Compound (with Maury acting the Oracle for Radiance's Stephanie Brown?) - maybe a newly melded hero team there. * News of newly active superhero teams (or new members of existing teams, hello HHL) is now two weeks old, with attendant and now-well-known reactions from our team. * Maybe a couple of local World Wounds patched up, with possibly some blowback on Charlotte. Or not. Maybe a love-letter to see how that's going. We'd be a couple weeks into the Odd Couple Apartment. Harry'd be dealing with several weeks of subtle-and-less-so angling by his parents to decide about the HHL. Certainly some other stuff. THoughts, further suggestions, and reactions welcome.