The Android Mobile App is being rolled out to users this week via the Google Play store!
Known Issues:
- The first character sheet you select may not be able to switch tabs. The workaround is to close the game and reopen it.
- Tapping the dice icons in the Basic Rolls panel is finicky and doesn't always roll. Entering the dice roll into the chat window works as normal.
- Compendium links in handouts open in mobile web browser.
- Compendium sharing does not work in the app.
- Dice matching does not work in the mobile app.
- Rolling for initiative in the 5e sheet does not send to the tracker because you cannot select a token.
Note: The Android app can now be run on a cell phone, but is still recommended for devices with screens of 7" or larger.
The iOS version of the mobile app has not been updated. The technical challenges to updating it are much higher than for the Android app; we are continuing to explore solutions.
Please report any feedback or bugs to this thread! Thank you!