The next day you decide to take proof of your victory to Nanny Pu-pu. You begin the trek across the peninsula. You run into another adventuring party crossing the peninsula towards you. They have been in Mbala, but avoided the cottage where Nanny Pu-pu resides. They are unwilling to tell you what their mission is, but they compare their map to yours and you see a new location named 'Yellyark' which you mark on your map. The other party consists of a rogue (or ranger?) called Swift, a knight (or Paladin) called Biff Longspear, a wizard called Mark, and a Priestess of Tymora named Elissamar. The next day you arrive back at Nanny Pu-pu's cottage. She is delighted that you have defeated her greatest foe and asks you to wait in the cottage while she gets your reward from her secret hiding place. You do so and hear digging coming from behind the cottage, then the sound of something heavy being moved through the dirt. She then whistles loudly and calls for you to come out. You do so, and head round the back of the cottage where you see her standing with a flesh golem, freshly removed from the soil. You also see a group of flying monkeys heading towards you from the distance. Nanny explains that now you have defeated her foe, she only has one other use for you - food. She orders the golem to attack and a battle ensues. You defeat the golem, as well as the spellcasting Nanny who reveals her true form as a hag, as well as the flying monkeys, but now you know not to trust old ladies ever again. The next several days sees you heading back across the peninula, down and then through the jungle to Oralunga. You battle or avoid a number of different groups of dinosaurs and hide from a group of Frost Giants treking through the jungle. Eventually you get there. A massive brick and stone ziggurat rises from the jungle. Two staircases angle up and across the front face, one from the right, the other from the left, to meet at a landing on the second level 30 feet above your heads. That layout repeats on the second level, and the third level, but with each successive layer adding less height than the one below it. The fourth level, 60 feet above the jungle floor, is an enclosed shrine or temple, its walls adorned with labyrinth symbols. The jungle encroaches right up to and onto this ancient structure  Getting up the structure turns out to be a puzzle, but you are helped by friendly chawingas and make your way into an ancient shrine. Hanging lamps illuminate the room, while incense burners fill it with exotic scents and curling smoke. Cushions and reed mats cover the floor, pots of blooming flowers line the plastered walls, and singing birds flit from plant to plant. An immense snake with iridescent scales rests on a heap of cushions opposite the doorway. It rises slowly to a height of 5 feet, staring directly into your eyes as it moves. Its face is remarkably humanlike, and its tongue flicks before it speaks. "I am Saja N'baza. What do you seek in this ancient place? Speak truly, for I hear your hearts!" The naga knows through visions that Ras Nsi and his yuan-ti followers are scheming to end the world from their lair in Omu. She doesn't know much about the death curse, but when you describe it, she confirms that it fits with various omens tied to Omu. She knows that if the curse is not ended, the soulmonger will start taking the souls from the living as well as the ressurected. The naga knows that Omu lies between the Peaks of Flame and the Valley of Lost Honor, and she also knows it's sunken below the level of the surrounding jungle, so the best way to spot it will be from the air or from the nearest high ground. The naga remembers Ras Nsi's first uprising, and she urges the characters to kill him both as punishment for his past atrocities and to prevent any possibility of a recurrence. She suggests that you return to civilisation to find out more about Ras Nsi, and to find the location of Omu. You spend the next several days travelling back to the peninsula and from there another two weeks travelling back to Nyanzaru. On the way back you pass by Fort Vengence, where it appears the Order of the Gauntlet have left, and another unknown group now inhabit the fort. You steal one of their boats which speeds your journey back to town. 240x320 (Original: 384x512)