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How to make a landing page?

Greetings Roll20 folks.  I want to make a 'landing' page for my players to start on. I have seen it on several pro users you tube videos and thought..HEY That's a GREAT Idea! So I am asking for guidance. It does not have to be fancy but what I tried was to create a start page and added 3 background pieces I like and did this in the 'map' layer.  I am on the Dev Server btw.  When I rejoin as player I do not see anything. Do the players or me need to create a player token to put 'on the board' in order to see whats on it? I am still struggling with distortion of images and trying to figure out how big to make the landing page? 50 x 50, 30 x 40, 25 x 25 >> what do you folks use and can you point me on how to do this?  I have forgone the Pathfinder Play test and we are going to play a 'simple' campaign only using Pathfinder Core rules/races and that nifty character mancer tool on the dev server! I want to get the token mod, Keiths lighting mods and Aarons mods I discovered from previous threads.  Thanks for the amazing support Roll20! 
Scott C.
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Check your page settings. You probably have fog of war and/or dynamic lighting enabled on the page. Disable both of these for your landing page unless you're doing something fancy like flickering lights from candles on a tabletop, in which case, yes there will need to be a token controlled by each player (can be the same token) on the landing page.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Also check that the Player ribbon is on the landing page map, you might be loading onto an empty map.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Both good pieces of advice. There is no one size fits all solution for the page size however. People have different size monitors, some play with the chat bar out, some with it hidden, some like to be zoomed in, and so forth. A good rule of thumb is to roughly follow the same proportions as your monitor, probably 16x9, minus a small chunk for the right-hand side. For a 1920x1080 monitor, accounting for sidebar and top and bottom elements (browser bar, scrollbars, etc, a decent approximation is ~1600 x 900 (based on a screenshot I just took). At 100% magnification, that comes out to about 23x13. Set your page to that unit setting, and adjust as needed. Just make sure that there is nothing important near the edges.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
For my landing page I zoom out to 110% and create the page to where it meets the edges of the map area. I usually use some image related to the campaign itself and put the player's tokens on it so they can check their macros and such. I sometimes put another token or two up with global macros such as attribute rollers and such. Then I just put the player ribbon on that page and zoom back to the default 100%.