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Need help adjusting large map for use in Shadowfell

Hello all. I'm having some trouble both deciding how best to approach making a map(s) for the Keep on the Shadowfell adventure. The part I'm struggling with is finding the maps for the two levels of the actual Keep itself. I snagged the attached map that someone else had posted on the forum for use in my campaign, but I'm not sure how best to use this. I wonder if it's possible to just use one "page" of the campaign and put this map in it, and just scroll through it with fog of war on for rooms my players aren't in yet? Or, should I zoom in to individual rooms, with each "room" as a page of it's own. I think this would be ideal, but I'm not sure how to do that with this one picture. My attempts keep ending up very blurry. I have the pdf containing each room's map; those, however, have all the handy gm information on them, such as traps, secret doors...that kinda stuff. I guess I could photoshop those things out and drop those in as maps. Hmm...any ideas from others who've run this module on roll20? Ideas on building them myself with basic tiles instead? Thanks all.
If you build it with tiles it's gonna take forever, the easiest way is to use the Align to grid feature and align that map to the grid, though it will be exceedingly large and very probably blurry as well (It's an issue with large maps) To avoid this you could try to find one in a larger size, though that might not be available, or break it down into smaller chunks by separating out the rooms and resizing as appropriate, but again, you might end up with a blurry map. 
Forum Champion
Michael, you are right, you will probably need to photoshop it. Note: you will not need to do this if the publisher layered the PDF map but usually they do not do this. It is one of the big problems I have with PDF maps but, oh well. :) - Gauss
What Dpi is the map you are using?  I've just uploaded the maps to the first two levels of Maure Castle (64 x 88 sqs) at 72 dpi and they look fine even zoomed in to 30% which is just about the right size for players to use. What i did was to resize the image to 70 pixels per square before uploading them. maybe this is why the image isn't so bad. (maure castle is a 4480 x 6160 image).
I am running this at the moment on roll20 - I snagged the maps from another website and editted them a bit in gimp. I have level 1 on one page and level 2 on another with fog of war for each area. PM me and I will send you the jpgs if you want (plus the dead walk and the ambushes). [ edit : I have PM'd you a link to my dropbox ]