I've been trying out the NPC sheet that's recently been added ( Thanks for that, BTW ), and have run into a couple of issues. First issue is rolling dice. Trying a POW roll, I see: No attribute was found for @{Xiobalg|npc1_name} displayed in the chat window immediately. After I set the modifier in the dialog box that opens and click on "Submit", nothing seems to happen. When I try other characteristic rolls, I get the same "no attribute" message, but after I click "Submit" in the dialog, I get the result of the roll in the chat window When I try a spell roll, I get: No attribute was found for @{Xiobalg|npc1_name} SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "`" found. in the chat window. For Passions, Skills, and Weapons, I get the "no attribute" message, followed by the result of the roll. I don't see the "no attribute" message for the Dodge, Fumble, and Hit Location rolls. The other issue is that the font for the boxes where I can enter Runes, Passions, Skills, and Spells seems quite small to me. I really appreciate the work you're doing on this, it's already helping a lot.