github: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> anonymous is the first usable plugin of a family of completely over-engineered Roll20 API Scripts I am creating using a framework of reusable TypeScript components I am calling der20 . Plugins are distributed together in releases via github. I am looking for contributors, so I am publishing this now even though a lot of work could still be done. There is also some developer-style output in GM whispers, because this is really a demo. These will be removed in the next release. The command reference is at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . Usage: select all tokens you want to anonymize, then execute !anonymous set The icon will be taken from a character called 'Anonymous' or another character in your journal that you can configure via !anonymous character My Other Character Technical note: The 'cache defeat' query string at the end of the image URL is set to midnight of the current day, so images are cached for around 24 hours. The name of the token will be changed to the creature type from the Journal. The intent is that you can narrate what sort of creature the player characters are seeing (like a 'small, rotten corpse') instead of knowing the exact creature stats just from the picture or name. Either during the first round of combat or when your players get a turn, you can decide with which creatures they are familiar, and reveal their true identity by selecting multiple tokens and executing !anonymous reveal Oh god, DM... Why???