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Outbreak: Undead 2nd Edition Character Sheets

I am setting up a game on here and was wondering how you can either import a character sheet or something from the game (Outbreak: Undead). I can't seem to find an option to do so, but I might have missed it.
Here's the first page of the character sheet. If I can insert it customly, that's fine, but I got no clue how.

Edited 1546805513
Sheet Author
Welcome to roll20 Michael.  You really cannot "import" a sheet into roll20.  There are a handful of official sheet's written and maintained by roll20 but by and large most sheets are created and maintained by the roll20 community using html/css/js.    If your specific system/sheet is not listed(create a game and check the character sheet template list.  I did not see Outbreak Undead listed.) there are at least a few options to consider; manually create one using  html/css/js (requires a Pro account and at least some basic skills):  Building Character Sheets use a sheet located outside of roll20 (maybe a local copy, google docs, or whatever.) make a request to the community for a sheet to be made (there's always a long list of requests with few sheet authors.):  Character Sheets & Compendium don't use a sheet at all and instead use a character journal entry (Bio) along with manually creating Attributes & Abilities and macros.