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Token bars

Since today my token bars are upside down and with quite some space between them, though retaining their respective values. (Thank goodness) It seems only I have those weird token bars as of now. For all other players nothing has changed with their tokens - not even the GM. It's nothing too tragic, however I'm curious and somewhat puzzled. I use the current Firefox as well as Windows 10. As of now I can't try it with Chrome.
Same is happening here. Tried disabling extensions and tried another browser: No luck.
Likewise experiencing this issue.
Same. My bars are completely messed up too. They got flipped upside-down as well and the height differences are just all over the place.
Hello all, To ensure that we rule out all potential issues, we ask that  you please carefully work through all of these steps of our guide to  Solving Technical Issues . If you have already done a few of these steps, we ask that you still attempt to follow them in order and then clear your cache to see if anything helps. Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome  and  Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable  all  add-ons/extensions. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through  Step 4 .  (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
Additionally, we have a bug report thread dedicated to feedback and issues popping up as a result of the new Advanced Fog of War update,   which can be found here .  Feel free to report these and any further issues to that thread. Thank you.
Ok, i installed Google Chrome (Never had it on my PC before) and still have the problem.

Edited 1548796856
I am also having that issue with Google Chrome and firefox
Not quite a token bar issue I am experiencing them as well all my mooks lost bars that only gm can see and Player bars are much higher that usual But I lost aura's as well Tried to reset the aura's and still nothing
This is happening for everyone in my guild that I've checked with (Literally over a hundred users in different browsers/different parts of the world).  In addition to the tokens being spaced obnoxiously there has been a loss of functionality when it comes to negative numbers (the bar disappears?!) and numbers over the max (no longer displays anything for overmax).  This is a significant problem for many players in my game.
Happening for me and my players as well. Using Chrome, I cleared cache. Also doing it on one of my players' Firefox.
My bars are appearing above my Tokens (instead of on them as before). True on Chrome and Firefox.
I am having same issues with bars Plus I still do not have Aura's on anything I know some were experiencing different movement with the aura's But mine have simply disappeared Cant even add them to a token I will wait until the fix is out Just wanted to chime in also...

Edited 1548913147
I no longer have auras, and all of my token's bars have huge spaces between them. Running on Firefox Version 65.0 (64-bit). No Add-ons. Cleared cache. Problem still persists. I also have an issue where I can no longer see the content of a marquee selection, when moving the selected group.
Hello all, As previously stated, we have made a major update for Animations and Advanced Fog of War. This has caused several issue to crop up and we are working on fixing them.  If anyone is still having any of these issue, please post the issue in the Animation and AFoW Feedback thread. It can be found here . You can find a list of the current known issues and Hotfixes we have implemented there. As such, I will be closing this thread. Thank you.