Hey guys. I have an issue with the > on(change:) < Event. Event: on("change:Bullenstärke", function() { console.log('BULLENSTÄRKE'); getAttrs(["str-statusmod", "Bullenstärke"], function(values) { console.log(values); console.log(parseInt(values["Bullenstärke"]*4,10)); setAttrs({ "str-statusmod": parseInt(values["Bullenstärke"]*4,10) }); }); }); HTML: <div class="sheet-status-wrapper"> <input type="checkbox" name="attr_Bullenstärke" value="1" /> <div class="sheet-status"> <div class="sheet-status-icon sheet-status-icon-strength"></div> <div> Bullenstärke <label>(+4 Stärke)</label> </div> </div> </div> API CALL (relevant snippet) function attribtoggle(characterObj,attributeObjArray) { var attributeName = attributeObjArray[0].get("name"); var attributeValue = attributeObjArray[0].get("current"); var newValue; if(attributeValue == '1') { newValue = '0'; } else { newValue = '1'; } attributeObjArray[0].set("current", newValue); }; I try to explain it with images. First of all. I have some hidden checkboxes in my character sheet that are toggled on and off by an API macro. This is mostly to change attributes and show icons for buffs and so on. Everything works fine with attributes that are calculated by the character sheet itself. (@{xxx} + @{yyy}) But if I use the on(change:) Event to recalc stats i have the following issue: I now use the macro to change the attribute value of the attribute by simulating a "check" (setting the value from 0 to 1). As you can see: The CSS responds by showing the correct div with the buff. The attribute itself is changed on the attribute page from 0 to 1. But strangely... there is no logging of my on(change:) Event. Now comes the weird part: I now change the CSS to use the checkboxes manually. And i check the checkbox. Everything is the same now... attribute value is identical. CSS shows the buff box. BUT Now it Logs my values and the Event is actually fired. From NOW on - the macro also fires the event. And now it keeps firing the event and logging the toggle while using the macro to check the checkbox until I reload the page. Then the issue starts over again. Are there any ideas on that one?