Hello everyone! I have been DMing for about 7 months and I'm looking for a group to run a decently long campaign with. I have my eyes on Curse of Strahd, but am not set on any specific module, and I'm open to homebrewing as well. I created a little survey for anyone who is wanting to join the group, it should only take a few minutes to fill out. The reason I created the survey is so I can try and get a cohesive group out of the many people that want to find someone to DM. By the way, Discord and Mic are required. Here is a link to the survey! <a href="https://goo.gl/forms/a8f4n31heojwAKKi2" rel="nofollow">https://goo.gl/forms/a8f4n31heojwAKKi2</a>