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Left game still shows up in my recent games

March 30 (6 years ago)

Hello, today I left a game called DCC and for some weird reason the game still shows up in my recent games, but in campaign search I can look at the campaign page and it will show that I am not a player in it, I can enter into the game which will make me a player of it again which I then leave again but it still shows up in my recent games. Can one of the mods remove this game from my recent games? 

Thank you.

Hello Grogmonster,

I have passed this information along to the devs. We hope to have an answer for you soon.

March 31 (6 years ago)

Edited March 31 (6 years ago)

Hello Grogmonster, 

To rule out potential issues though, please carefully work through these steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues.


March 31 (6 years ago)

I tried all of that and I still have the problem.

Hello Grogmonster,

Thank you for that information. I did pass this information along to the devs and hope to have more information for you soon. 

I'd like to add this is happening to me as well.

April 01 (6 years ago)

It's also happening on my end too

April 01 (6 years ago)

Haha same here, thought i was in some sort of purgatory, Couldnt leave the campaign no matter how i tried. It was gone from games listing but always on front page and i always have access to it

April 02 (6 years ago)

Happening here too. Game is called Dungeon Only

I have this same issue regarding a game that I just left yesterday titled Cryptids and Conspiracy Theories.  It still allows me to see the game in my recent games, though I do not show in the player list.  It still allows me to enter the VTT for the game.  If I do, then it again adds me to the player list, just as if I'd clicked an invite link.


April 02 (6 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for reporting this issue! I have been able to replicate it on my end and a ticket is in review by the development team. Sorry for the trouble!

I have quit the same game about 12 times now and every time i come back to roll20, I'm back in it...

Game: The four lords

  1. Google Chrome (most recent version)
  2. No extensions
  3. Windows 10 64bit

Moving report here:

Jake said:

I had recently signed up to join a game on roll20.  However, when I go to check for the game, it is not in my list of games. Not only that, but the my games list is showing me games that I had already left.  I tried logging out and back in and even logging in on another device, but this keeps happening. How do I fix this?

April 04 (6 years ago)

So the game that wound't leave has left my recent games, the problem still exists though I had left another game after I had my first post and it too still shows up in my Recent games its called  DCC 90210

Moving report here: 

Ceroshan said:

I had applied to a game but had to back out after some things came up.  I left the game with the "leave game" button but the game itself still shows up in my roster of current games.   I try leave game again, it brings up a secondary menu of the games I am in without that game listed, but if I refresh the main page, it shows up again.   I left a message for the DM but no response. Anyone able to help me?

April 04 (6 years ago)

Happening to me as while.

I'm having this issue as well.

April 05 (6 years ago)

The game that left my recent games came back I guess the owner just opened it again.

Same problem here

April 06 (6 years ago)

Edited April 06 (6 years ago)

I have done all of the recommended steps above as well, but the problem persists.

Game Name: The City of Armageddon

April 06 (6 years ago)

This is also happening to me, i've done all the recommended steps but the problem's still there.

The game's called: Austeriah

Moving report here.

Zackery B. said:
I left a game on my game log and its still showing that im in it, i cannot leave it and every time i log in it still shows in games even though i hit Leave game
Its like Hotel California, I joined a game, it wasn't for me and now I can't leave.

Kat said:

Its like Hotel California, I joined a game, it wasn't for me and now I can't leave.

Yep Same thing here.... =/. 

April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)

This has happened to me as well did the mentioned methods to try and fix it as well but did not to work.

Moving report here: 

Wyatt said:

I have a game that will not allow me to leave.  When I click leave, it prompts me to confirm. I confirm and then it appears that I have left the game. The game disappears from my list. If I mouse over the "my games" tab at the top, the game still shows there.  If I come back to roll 20 , the game is there again.  Any suggestions?

Moving report here: 

RoboEmperor said:

I can join the game from my home screen and I can join the game if I hover my mouse over the game tab. But it doesn't show up in my game listing.

How to remove the game from my home screen?

Moving report here:

Marc P. said:

I joined a pick up game called ““Legion of Earth - War of Genesis””

Wishing to leave, I used the ‘leave game’ link .. and accepted the pop up confirmation.

to my surprise the game returned to my list, I have attempted multiple times to leave this game, all have failed.

I would simply like this game removed from my list of games.

It concerns me that any PUG that I join will behave this way. Should I take extreme care when choosing which game to join?

Thank You

Same issue on my end, won't let me leave.

i guess i'm throwing my name in the "same issue on my end" hat. Cause same issue.

April 09 (6 years ago)

Edited April 09 (6 years ago)

I am having the same issue with a "Lost Mine of Phandlever" game. I left the game multiple times now and it still shows up on my recent games. This is appearing in both Chrome and Firefox.

April 09 (6 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for reporting this issue! A resolution will require a programmatic fix on our end to resolve this bug. We are hoping to have this resolved in the near future.

In the meantime if you would like to remove this from the recent games list joining and leaving games (including ones you create) will eventually shift the undesired game off the list.

We realize this is not the ideal solution for the moment and we appreciate your patience in this!

Moving report here:

Lilianae said:

Sending this to report a bug where I'm still seeing games that I've left in my homepage. I'm able to join their table even though I'm not a member and upon doing so I'm immediately added back to the membership roster. (I can even view their in-game forums and information and see that I am not listed as a game member)

Most of these are dead campaigns that have ceased to meet and I would like to have them removed so that they don't continue to clog up my home screen taking up space for games that I'm actually part of.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated, thanks.

Note: This is only the homepage. If I go to the games tab and click "My Games" it only lists games that I'm actively participating in, but if I click the Home button or log into Roll20 it shows the games that I'm no longer again. I've ever tried to join and re-leave these games and refresh the page, nothing works.

This has been going on for a few weeks now and I thought it would've resolved itself but it's still going so I figured I'd say something.

This started happening to me too. Just joined one game,left it about an hour later ''since the guy who invited me forgot to mention their timezone was 9 hours later than mine'' but the game is still there. Tried the 3 things you mentioned but the game is still there.

April 15 (6 years ago)
Samuel L.
Sheet Author

Also unable to leave a game.

April 15 (6 years ago)

Glad to see this wasn't just me. Started happening a couple weeks ago. Apparenty on both Chrome and Firefox. Also, when GM creates a Copy of their game, it shows up under My Games too.

Moving report here: 

Zachary G. said:

hey so theres a session id like to leave.
i go to the session settings and hit "leave game" and click "ok" on the pop up, it loads me to my list of games and its gone, everything fine

I close my roll20 tab, i reopen it, the sessions back on the list, iv given it about 5 days, i waited 3 days the first time then tried again, iv tried multiple times for the last two days and it keeps showing back up. Some help would be so appreciated. 

I have this issue as well in a game called Sealed Tribes I left it and it won't disappear from my recent games.

Left 3 games at once like a week ago and one has stuck around, and just left a game and it's still there as well. Please fix this soon, I do not need these games hanging around >.<

April 19 (5 years ago)

they are only in recent game list and not in "my games" so don't be afraid to click one more time to get around this yall. ;)

April 21 (5 years ago)

Any games I join persist in my recent games list even if I leave them. Clearing cache or clicking leave games multiple times does not resolve the issue.

April 22 (5 years ago)

Edited April 22 (5 years ago)

I am still having this issue myself, and all the above methods listed to try to resolve does not solve the issue.  I see a lot of "Moving report here" any word on Roll20 resolving the issue?

I just notice that the issue is fixed for me. Two games that I left but have been hanging about in my games on my home page are now gone.

Same, thank you for looking into the issue for us.

thank you they are gone what ever you guys did worked for me

Same here, thank you roll20 folks

May 15 (5 years ago)

Edited May 15 (5 years ago)

Moving report here: 

Leslie D. said:

Previous Thread:

My games are still not disappearing from my list, even when I leave them. Can a mod or team member go in and manually clear my list and see if I have a problem after that? The only games I need to stay in are:

Character Creation Playground
Spawn of the Maimed Virulence
The Obsidian Stone Trilogy

May 15 (5 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Hi Leslie,

Could you test out leaving those games once again to make sure they are removed? Additionally, if you have any games that you are the creator of showing up that you do not want to see you may need to delete them. If they are still in use by you they will continue to show up in the recent games list as it would be considered a recent game you joined.

May 15 (5 years ago)

Edited May 15 (5 years ago)

I have tried countless times to leave the games but they will not go away from my list, even now. And to be clear, those are the games I want to KEEP on my list. It's the other 10 games I can't leave that are becoming a problem.