I just spent three hours messing around with ffmpeg because I thought it was a problem on my end, but this bug is absolutely infuriating and cripples a whole design space for applying the awesome animation functionality to games. Without the ability to start animations with the API, they're relegated to a fun curiosity and nothing more. Please, please PLEASE fix this (... and, while you're at it, reconsider how suggestions and bug reports are prioritized: the current system of strict votes is a tyranny of the majority that freezes out content creators from bringing attention to even simple fixes (like this one!) that are really hampering our ability to make games on Roll20 more appealing for everyone!) Fek said: Setting an animated imgsrc via the API causes the animation to pause / not loop. Synopsis When a token is given an animated imgsrc via obj.set("imgsrc", url), the token accurately changes to the new image, but the animation does not play. This happens whether the original imgsrc was static or animated. In order to make the animation play correctly, you can right-click the token and toggle Animation > Stop Looping, then Animation > Loop. This seems to kick the animation back into gear. Unfortunately, there is no way (that I know of) to do this automatically, via API or otherwise. Reproduction 1) Create a new API script, with the following code: setAnimatedImgSrc.js 2) Make sure that the "newImgSrc" variable on line 12 leads to a valid animated asset in your library. 3) Select any token on the map, then type "!animate" into chat to trigger the script. Expected Outcome The token's image is changed to the animated image specified in the script, which begins to automatically play and, ideally, loop. Actual Outcome The token's image is changed to the animated image specified in the script, but it is stuck/paused on the first frame. Although the token's context menu suggests that it should be playing and looping, it will not do either unless you manually toggle Animation > Stop Looping, then Animation > Loop.