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[LFP][5e][EST] Long-Term Campaign The Kingdom of Shadows 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST


Edited 1555090147
Hello. Our GM has expressed interest in looking for one more player. We currently have six players so if you join you will be our seventh. This game is a Fifth Edition Homebrew, with some homebrewed rules. The game has been enjoyable and is currently still in its early stages. Below you can see our GMs previous LFG posts: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; We use discord for voice comms so if you are interested please add the GM at&nbsp; Map #9044 or reply in this thread or DM him. Thank you and have a nice day~ Edit: Game days are weekly on Fridays. If a mod could add that into the title that would be great.
would like to know what day do you play on?
Mega man said: would like to know what day do you play on? Thanks for pointing that out. It's on Fridays.
I suppose I should mention, since I just had a conversation with a gentleman who had an issue with how I run my games/campaign, that KoS is written to be...a difficult, sandbox type of game. Most everything in the entire multiverse is affected by the actions of the players and their characters. The game is very difficult, not too much that's frustratingly hard, but difficult that "shoot and loot" won't work for most encounters. What I mean is, thinking outside the box is highly encouraged and really the only way to survive in a world where adventurers are really seen beyond level 5ish. Anything beyond that is skirting dangerously close to death everytime you go on an adventure. It sounds really gritty and tough, but the players I've had since November all are having a lot of fun with their characters, with me and my NPCs/stories, and are eager to give me suggestions on what to add to the story (since I welcome constructive criticism and things to add into the world). The week goes by too long for us as we wait for Friday to roll around, we occasionally talk about having a second day to do KoS because of how much fun we have and all the stuff we want to do. If you have a problem with committing to a game that could take years to complete, have issues getting along with players/DMs, don't care much for worldbuilding, story writing, or just want a basic adventure, do not send me a private message. My style isn't for everyone. Please don't waste my time, or yours. I'm usually very fluid and willing to adapt, even change some things if the majority of my players have a problem with something, but since everyone is cool with it, the odd one out can stay out.
i would love to learn a lot more about this im kinda new to dnd so i always look for out of box ways to kill things to begin with