We've had a few drops due to differing expectations. I'm looking for 1-2 more players using Warhammer 4e. 4e is a gritty and deadly combat system with excellent interplay between weapons and armor, talents and skills. To set expectations (hopefully): - This campaign has a large amount of role playing, but isn't built around role playing. Story and pace are more important than having players role play among themselves all night or role playing with an NPC. - This isn't a hack and slash, D&D type, adventure. This campaign puts you in difficult situations, sometimes no win situations, where you have to make the best choice. Social skills are just as important as combat skills. - This is the Warhammer world, grim, gritty and oppressive. Law rules as does Religion and inevitable Heresy. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't get caught. If you do get caught, penalties can be steep or you may pay the ultimate price. Actions have consequences. - A Private War Campaign is a very detailed, day to day, hunt for an accused heretic, where even if you know the extensive Warhammer Lore, you'll learn something new almost every session. Though linear to a degree as you are searching for the heretic and go where he goes, it has tons of opportunities for individual and party choices. Your actions, who you choose to aid and thwart, have impacts throughout the campaign. - A final expectation, this isn't Critical Role. I'm not the incredible Matt Mercer and the party isn't voice actors who've played for a long time together. If you are interested, PM me. Saturday nights at 6pm Mountain. I've been a GM for a very long time and you'll have fun.