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Interest check- Star Trek next generation rpg(lug edition)

Still trying to find a second game to play. Here is my latest attempt.
I would enjoy playing
Sorry, confused, you are looking for a ST game as a player or you would GM the game?
Would love to play, but happy to gm a campaign. I'm uk based probably looking at Thursday evenings.
Just dropping this in here, if a game should happen, Star Trek TNG is literally my most favorite thing ever, so I am interested! My time frame is fairly limited though, I will only be available on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, European timezone.
ok. cool. I could probably make Wednesday work.
I would SO love to play this. I played the lug once and I loved it. Please drop me a line if this works out. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Where can I find these books at? A Star Trek game interests me but I know there are different incarnations so what sets LUG apart from the others?
The last unicorn version was out in 1998 and went out of print after they did a next gen, classic and ds9 book. I've had the next gen book since then and always liked the system and managed to get a few more from eBay.
So no place has them available in pdf form then?

Edited 1396044924
I'd love to play but depending on the time it would be rough since the UK is roughly 5 hrs ahead of me :) I've run two different LUG games off and on for a while now. Do enjoy them when I have the time.
I found the lug books on 4shared and piratebay. I could post em up if there is enough interest
PDFs are not available legitimately because as soon as the license went the books went too. No PDFs were made. There is info on the system on a site called memory icon <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Anyone else??
I would love to have a stab at this. I can play any weekday but not on the weekends.
I would love to play.

Edited 1396885399
Ok so it looks like Wednesday at 7-10pm GMT would be the best time at the moment. If anyone is interested please let me know with possible character race and department ideas (conn, engineering, medical etc).
Where Are all my interested players???
I just randomly stumbled upon this thread again in which I once posted, and I would still be very interested. I don't have any clues about the system though, so if that is a problem you can tell me. As for races and characters I would be fine with anything really! Since I have no idea how the game works, and how we are supposed to be a "group" and what our assignments are going to be like, I would be fine with filling any role. I'd hate to play another "only Klingon in Starfleet" though or something along those lines, so I would prefer a "boring" race like Humans, Betazoids, Trill (if they exist in the rules) or Vulcans. In addition to Tuesdays and Wednesdays I am now also available on Monday evenings, from approximately 6 pm UTC+1 for the next 1 and a half months, and from 7 pm UTC+1 after that. The games can take pretty long time for all I care, though I probably want to go to sleep eventually :D Are people still interested? If there are enough people hit me up with a PM and I will tell you my contact information Regards Lee
I would like to play an engineer. I haven't chosen a race yet but I am interested in playing and am available for this reason slot. *so excited*
Ok for departments we have, Command, Operations, Engineer, Security, Science, Medical for Races we have Human, Andorian, Betazoid, Bolian, Centaurian, Tellarite, Vulcan, Bajoran, Trill. Characters are Likely to be Ensign, Lieutenant jr grade or lieutenant. Captain and First Officer are npcs.
I think I would like to play a Trill Security Guy, or if that doesn't work then a Trill Operations Officer.
I want in!
ok one more would be great
Still looking for one more player
I'm your man, if you'll have me. I'm a huge TNG fan and I've actually been reading the LUG TNG core rule book lately. Let's do it!
Ok thats great