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Hide Abilities from Auto-Complete Lists?


Edited 1396527432
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I've been creating Abilities for a 13th Age rogue, and I'd like to factor out names and dice into nested abilities. However, these nested abilities still show up in the auto-complete lists when I don't want them to. I found mention in the D&D 4e setup wiki page that macros starting with underscore wouldn't show up in auto-complete lists, but this does not work with abilities. How vexing! For example: Sneak-Attack /em makes a Sneak Attack with %{selected|_Weapon-Melee} Once per round when you make a rogue melee weapon attack against an enemy engaged with one or more of your allies, you can deal +%{selected|_Sneak-Dice} damage if your attack hits. /roll 1d20+@{DEX_MOD}+@{Level} vs AC Hit: [[@{Level}%{selected|_Melee-Die}+@{DEX_MOD}+%{selected|_Sneak-Dice}]] damage Miss: @{Level} damage _Weapon-Melee a Wicked Knife _Melee-Die d8 _Sneak-Dice 1d6 Why, yes, I studied Computer Science. How on Earth could you tell? ;)
Why make separate abilities for that? You could put those values into Attribute. Yes, even "a Wicked Knife", it's not limited to numbers only.
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Yes, I know that Attributes can be used for strings like "a Wicked Knife" or "d8". I'm already using them like that for some monster character sheets like the Giant Dragonman's Breathe Fire. However, that's not the point of the question, is it? ;)
Well what do you want me to say? If it says that those starting with a _ should be hidden but they aren't, then it's obviously a bug and you should put this in the Bug section of the forum and not here. I was trying to help and offer an alternative. You don't want that, fine.
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I'm sorry if I've upset you. Please accept my apologies. I don't know if it's a bug. I've only seen it mentioned in the wiki page Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition so perhaps it is an unintended feature.