Hi, here are my settings:

I was a player and I've confirmed with other players that this happened to them as well (including the GM).
I've looked at other games and it seems like this problem only occurs on this particular game (here is the URL) so it's not a huge deal if it's not fixed!
All the avatars relocated every time someone new joined the game - and refreshing/rejoining the game did not fix the problem.
On a side note, I've noticed that the player video/avatar location and moveable player avatars under chat avatars disappear from the setting when you have the video+audio chat options disabled (you only see player video/avatar size setting); is this intentional?
+ Problem was solved when video+audio chat option was set to none!
Drespar said:
Hello! Couple of questions for you :)
Could you show a screenshot of what your settings look like?
Does this only happen in certain games or in all games? Are you the player or GM in this game in particular?
Do all of the avatars snap to a weird position when someone else joins in, or only the most recent joinee?
Do the anchors seems to stay in position between refreshes or upon exiting and rejoining the game?
라브 said:
I did, but whenever someone new enters the game it goes back to weird places.