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Free Coffers

Edit: Ok, all fixed. So, earlier today a GM commented to me on the lack of coffers and other containers available in the library. To rectify this I set out and made a few basic ones and sent them to him. So, for anyone who would like some free coffers to use here they are <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Not sure what I will do tomorrow, but probably some other types of containers. Feel free to request stuff.
So, got a request for wood textures earlier tonight, sent them to the GM in question a few moments ago. For everyone else, here you go Maps, Textures and Objects (all free) Some maps, crude coffers and then the three wood textures I made. Do enjoy! :)
Ok, so, second set of textures in 24 hours. Two sets of bricks/cobblestones.
And yet another two textures. Two types of tiles. Only twelve textures left and then I'm onto objects :) These and some other stuff I've made for public use can be found here Maps, Textures and Objects (all free)