David H. said: These are gorgeous Jakob! Great work. Things I noticed: Thanks! :) The Lorekeeper relies on one additional sheet: the "Back at Camp" scenes that are found on the same page as the Skydagger Keep sheet. Each of their "Back at Camp" and initial setup relies on checking off information on this page. It would be nice if the Back at Camp table was included on the Lorekeeper sheet. Hmm, good idea! When you add equipment to the Quartmaster sheet it defaults to 1 box and 3 circles for ticks, there's no way to edit this or choose something else. Right, noted. Maybe I will make this editable in the future. The corruption counter for the Alchemist on the Quartermaster sheet, and the Time clocks on the Commander sheet do not appear to work at this time, or are invisible. Hmm, the clocks are displayed correctly for me. That's weird and probably some kind of problem with reading the images in the background. Do the XP clocks on the character sheet display correctly for you? Usage dots for items under Load are not displaying properly in the right boxes and lines. This appears to be effecting all of the playbooks. What browser and OS are you using?