Especially with new players, or a lot going on, I wind up explaining and adding and re-adding the modifiers. I wrote this macro not just to do the math, but to put the math into the chat log so the next time I can just use the total. calc-melee-mods !?{Running|No,0|Yes,-2} !?{Prone|No,0|Yes,-2} !?{Actions|1|2|3} !?{Gang up|0|1|2|3|4+,4} !?{Wild|No,0|Yes,2} !?{Target Prone|No,0|Yes,2} !?{Target Vulnerable|No,0|Yes,2} !?{Target Defending|No,0|Yes,-4} **Melee Modifiers**: ATTACKER Running [[?{Running}]] + Prone [[?{Prone}]] + ?{Actions} Actions [[(?{Actions}-1)*-2]] + Gang up [[?{Gang up}]] + Wild attack [[?{Wild}]] + DEFENDER Prone [[?{Target Prone}]] + Vulnerable [[?{Target Vulnerable}]] + Defending [[?{Target Defending}]] =  ``Total`` [[ ?{Running} + ?{Prone} + (?{Actions}-1)*-2 + ?{Gang up} + ?{Wild} + ?{Target Vulnerable} + ?{Target Defending} + ?{Target Prone}]]