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Allow player access to their art libraries

July 26 (5 years ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

Currently, players do not have access to art libraries in game. That means that if they wish to use an image from another campaign, they need to reupload it. There are two big issues with this.

  1. Duplicate images from different campaigns can clutter up the art library. It uses up storage space.
  2. Some artwork may be difficult to find again, if not saved on a player's computer.

I have seen this proposed before and the topic closed, but it appears that the Roll20 team member was not aware that the art library is only visible to the GM in a campaign, not to the players.

August 20 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion

Sorry, I misread the original suggestion, and was too excited about the other enhancement I mentioned there. This is possible, but it changes some of the control a GM has over their table top as well as require a new way for players access their own image library.

Thanks for the suggestion, and sorry I dismissed your previous post!

August 21 (5 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Kenton, I'm not actually sure it changes the GM's control over the vtt that much. Players can already pull their own character token onto the table after all. This would just expand that.

August 21 (5 years ago)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
This is likely a different suggestion, but...I'd like to be able to set my own character Profile Image AND token, and access to the library would be ideal for that.  Right now, I can set my Profile pic, but have to send the GM the Token.
August 22 (5 years ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

Finderski, here is a suggestion topic for allowing access to the character token. Allowing access to the art library would definitely enhance the functionality of that as well, but I think they are separate suggestions unless the roll20 team sees fit to combine them (which would be completely fine by me).

August 22 (5 years ago)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator

Stephen C. said:

Finderski, here is a suggestion topic for allowing access to the character token. Allowing access to the art library would definitely enhance the functionality of that as well, but I think they are separate suggestions unless the roll20 team sees fit to combine them (which would be completely fine by me).

Yep, I'd already upvoted that one, too. :)

September 07 (5 years ago)

I would love this so much. I use art I find for both characters I'm a player of, and as a DM, and the number of duplicates that can pop up is tedious. Perhaps having it so that the GM can open a character for a player to add a token once each time they open it will allow the DM to prevent players from changing all willy nilly, while still allowing the player access to their library.

September 07 (5 years ago)

Edited September 07 (5 years ago)

You have my vote, I would love if my players could access my art and the art I've purchased in my games.

September 07 (5 years ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

Ragrook said:

You have my vote, I would love if my players could access my art and the art I've purchased in my games.

While that is an interesting idea, it isn't what this topic is about. However, in the spirit of the suggestions forum, let's talk about extending this idea. I know that many GMs wouldn't want players to have access to their full art library, since that could give away spoilers easily. It would have to be an opt-in system, and I think that many GMs would like to be able to select certain files to hide or share.

September 07 (5 years ago)
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

I would love it if I had a folder that I could assign show players and everything in it was viewable to the players. Just a simple drag and drop in to make it all viewable.

September 07 (5 years ago)

  I think this is a great idea.

I have invested in Marketplace are for tokens quite a bit as a GM.  When I am a player on the other side of the table, it would be really nice to easily pull a great token from what I have purchased and drop it on the tabletop for the GM to link to my character.     

As a GM, I have had players who found custom art for their characters, and made their own token images.  It would be much handier for them to upload it to Roll20 and then drop it in, than to have to pass it through me first. 

September 07 (5 years ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

Luke H. said:  

As a GM, I have had players who found custom art for their characters, and made their own token images.  It would be much handier for them to upload it to Roll20 and then drop it in, than to have to pass it through me first. 

There is a workaround for this. Players can upload their token image as their character avatar, then drag and drop it onto the tabletop. After that, they can change their character avatar to a full-sized image. But here's another suggestion topic that you may want to check out.

September 11 (5 years ago)

I was just dealing with this problem recently. As a GM and a player, my art library was full a couple days ago, preventing me from starting a new campaign. If we could make it easier to access and delete our own art library content in general, that would be fantastic. As a GM and player I support more access, hands-down. 

November 30 (5 years ago)

I agree this would be nice for shared world building; when the players and I are defining a city together, having them able to access and put down icons for different buildings from a purchased art pack would be fantastic.

The original idea would be helpful, but only allow one player to use a pack. Being able to selectively choose art assets I own to make available to players to use would be even better! 

December 01 (5 years ago)

There are so many good ideas in this thread!

June 29 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Could be cool, I have many duplicates in my library cause I can't access it when I'm a player

August 21 (3 years ago)

We definitely need this.

May 14 (2 years ago)
Khoa P.
Sheet Author

I'd like to see something like this implemented.


I'm afraid of this losing momentum because of misunderstandings again. So I want to stress this isn't about having access to the GM's art library. I don't need or want that. (In fact, I now have a whole mess of stuff in my library from the freebie Phandelver. It's a lot of stuff and that's just one game.) 

It's about the players having access to their own. I totally get how messy it is when I have to upload the same token over and over. I once started deleting "duplicates" and suddenly they were disappearing off what I had in my vault. (That's even after copying the recently uploaded somewhere else in my library, so I don't delete recently uploaded anymore and now there's plenty of duplicates.) This would also be nice when I have several wild shape options and such like that.

I don't have a clue how difficult that would be. I also think it would be nice to be able to drag something from my art library over to another game. I never found a way to do that even when I was GM on both. (I had to do a screenshot of one, download it, and then re-upload it to the other game. That's silly.) But the ability to drag from one game to another might be difficult, I don't know.

June 22 (2 years ago)

Edited June 22 (2 years ago)

Its very annoying that players can't see their own art libraries and make their own token images. Using the avatar is not a solution because everyone uses a round bordered token which is a separate image.

Also, if players purchased art for spell effects, they should be able to pull them into the map when they cast spells without GM having to make a spell token. This would also allow a bit of art library sharing between players and GM since player could drag something they own to a blank map and then GM can use it as needed. Allowing players to drag art to onto map should be controlled with permissions however.

We've bought a oneshot, without premade chars, we have a Xanatar's (book that comes with a lot of art like tokens) shared into the game. I'd like for the players do choose from the tokens that are available to us, but they can't really do it.

September 23 (2 years ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

Hey, look at that! It's done!

December 14 (2 years ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

This suggestion can be marked as Complete.

June 24 (1 year ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

This suggestion can be marked as Complete now.

November 12 (1 year ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

This suggestion is complete, and can be closed.

November 15 (1 year ago)

Stephen C. said:

This suggestion is complete, and can be closed.

If you stop bumping it, it'll close on itself in a month or so.

November 15 (1 year ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author

Neo said:

Stephen C. said:

This suggestion is complete, and can be closed.

If you stop bumping it, it'll close on itself in a month or so.

This is not true in the Suggestions forum, as evidenced by the 7-month gap in-between two of those other comments. In the suggestions forum, topics are closed (and votes refunded) in two ways:

  1. The topic does not gain 10 votes within 30 days.
  2. The topic is marked as complete and closed by Roll20 staff.

In neither of those does comment activity prevent a topic from closing. But there is a chance that a Roll20 staff member will see the topic and close it if it is bumped.

November 15 (1 year ago)

I stand corrected... -.-

March 15 (1 year ago)
Stephen C.
Sheet Author