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health bars and other newbie questions

Hi guys! New to Roll20, having a great time. Some things I couldn't figure out. 1 - I created the characters for my players and dedicated tokens to them, and placed attributes. However, when we drag the character to the map, the token arrives without any information, and I have to go in and choose "Represents character" for each character on map. I'm sure there's an easier way. 2 - Then I choose the HP as the green bar, and this is the biggest problem. Only the character who seems to be controlling that token can see the health bar. I want them to see the health bars for all the characters, even if they can't control it, so they have a general idea of what their health scores are. How can I do this? thanks for all the help Orhan
1. Pull out the token like you normally would, then update it (Represents character...). Do any other updates you need to do, make the token exactly like you want it when you pull it out. Then open the journal entry (char sheet) for that character. Delete the token you were using and choose the token you just updated. It is probably the same token, but it really isn't since you've updated it. Make sense? Sometimes I say too much and still don't answer. :) 2. Click the token, click on the gear icon, click on Advanced tab. Under 'Player Permission', check the boxes for See for name and the first three bars. DO THIS BEFORE STEP ONE ABOVE. This will ensure your selections are saved to the journal entry.
u did a wonderful job explaining, no worries : ) Thanks!