Hi there, I'm trying to write a buff calculation macro for the Steel Valkyrie Aura of Resolve ( <a href="https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/cleric-archetypes-flaming-crab-games/steel-valkyrie/" rel="nofollow">https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/cleric-archetypes-flaming-crab-games/steel-valkyrie/</a> ) which increases at somewhat odd levels. The minimum is a bonus of +2 at level 1, which then increases by an additional 1 at level 8, and every 5 levels thereafter. I'm trying to write a variable buff using the character sheet options already available, but I'm getting a bit stuck with the exact syntax I'd need to use for this situation. Currently my best efforts lead me to: min(5,2+floor((@{level})/5), Using the variable for Greater Magic vestments as a source of information: min(5,1+floor((@{level})/8)+floor((@{level})/12)+floor((@{level})/20)) I can see why it works for the Greater Magic Vestments, as the minimum would have to be 1, and then it increases at 8, 12, 16, and 20 which the above formula works for. But this won't work for the Aura of Resolve as the bonus would be too high at certain levels.. I'm a bit stuck, so would appreciate any pointers!