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Sheet Request Thread, Consolidated, mk II

March 22 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Kas said:

Kas said:

Is there any way that character sheets could become a tool that the player in a game could be open to choosing to use?

I've simply been in a good few games now that either use a sheet that is uncomfortable or no sheet at all.  The ability to be able to use one of the preselected sheet formats while inside a game would be very advantageous to me.

Asking again if there is any way that this option could be implemented player-side. Getting to choose a character sheet to use at the player's behest would be a very appreciated option when GMs are lacking in the desire to set one up or GMs engaged in Living Worlds are not want to pursue it either.

The problem is that different sheets have different attributes (the html code that generates attributes on the Attributes & Abilities tab which allows you to call them in a macro).

Allowing 2 different sheets in a game would totally screw up api script usage and a lot of custom gm rolls because your macros/scripts would have to be configured for the other sheet. 

To make it possible to have more than one sheet code active in a game, it would probably require such changes to how sheets are accessed (by macros anyway) that it would screw up every macro and api setup in all currently active games.

March 23 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Kas said:

Kas said:

Is there any way that character sheets could become a tool that the player in a game could be open to choosing to use?

I've simply been in a good few games now that either use a sheet that is uncomfortable or no sheet at all.  The ability to be able to use one of the preselected sheet formats while inside a game would be very advantageous to me.

Asking again if there is any way that this option could be implemented player-side. Getting to choose a character sheet to use at the player's behest would be a very appreciated option when GMs are lacking in the desire to set one up or GMs engaged in Living Worlds are not want to pursue it either.

There's no way to do this at present. There's a Suggestion forum where people can ask for new features, but this would require a pretty radical design of the way roll20 works, so I wouldnt get your hopes up.

Sheet Req.: Sine Requie Anno XIII

March 25 (4 years ago)

Edited March 29 (4 years ago)

Hi I am looking for a Runequest 2 Character sheet please.

The RQ3 one has 90% of it already i reckon but there are some differences in things like skill names and base bonuses.

I think this could be achieved by modifying the existing RQ3 sheets properties and calculations but this is beyond my technical ability.

it would probably require:

  1. recalculation of some bonuses (Attack/defence etc)
  2. addition of some default skills
  3. modification of layout (minor)

There may well be some spell changes required but the campaign i have been running for past 2 years does not allow the players access to any form of magic so i cant vouch for what changes may be needed here - it may be minor it may be significant. This article suggest that there would need to be the removal of sorcery magic (probably easier than adding it in)

the RQ3 rulebook has a handy conversion guide for taking RQ2 characters into the newer system that could be reverse engineered to take it from RQ 3 to 2

Rulebooks can readily be found on the internet (the rq II rules are the same as classic RQ as far as i can determine so changes can be based on those) and character sheet can be found at: (although cosmetically the games CS sucks  the one on (the RQ3 one) here looks better).

this thread has good info on the differences:

Addition - I can edit the skill names but where to save the changes so that someone more skilled than me can make the calculation changes

Could anyone make a base werewolf sheet off of the one that is available for Rokea 

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Rokea

I like this style (and how the die rolling works, but just need breeds updated, along with renown and drive vs seafaring. 

Thanks in advance.

March 26 (4 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author

Sean H., the the Apocalypse sheet already has that on there.  At least, the one I made did.  Try clicking on the words "forms".

Is there anyway to integrate Warbirds, character sheet and other stuff? Or is there a reason theres like, nothing related to Warbirds? Warbirds Charactersheet PDF

Hey guys, 

me and my friends has started playing a Swedish game called "Svärdets Sång" and during times now we're using Roll20 so both of these are new to us. We normally play D&D 5E irl. It's a D6 based game and I have actually no idea how hard it is to create these sheets etc. It would help a lot to play for my group and to all others who want to play this game. Hopefully it's possible... thanks in advance, all the best and keep healthy!

March 27 (4 years ago)

Edited March 27 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Hi Roger,

that looks a lot like the Forbidden Lands sheet (which "happens" to have a sheet on roll20)...  Is there an English translation of the system and sheet?

March 27 (4 years ago)

Edited March 27 (4 years ago)

Vince said:

Hi Roger,

that looks a lot like the Forbidden Lands sheet (which "happens" to have a sheet on roll20)...  Is there an English translation of the system and sheet?

Hey Vince, 

oh wow, I just checked it out and looks very similar. This must be based on the same game/system.

Svärdet's sång is a kickstarter project from "fria ligan" and I'm quite certain there's no English translation. Is Forbidden Lands it's own game or based on something else?

March 27 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Fria Ligan is known in the English-speaking world as  Free League, and they make a bunch of games including Forbidden Lands, all built on a similar system. 

March 27 (4 years ago)

Edited March 27 (4 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Yes, they are the same game, by the same publisher. It just seems that Roger shows here the final version of character sheet, while Vince primarily designed it around the Alpha's version of the character sheet, so the resemblance wasn't too obvious.

The easiest path is likely to have Vince's "Forbidden Lands"-sheet translated into Swedish. Roll20 uses CrowdIn for crowd-sourcing translation for the site and character sheets, and Swedish is one of the available languages.

Send email to to get an invite to the CrowdIn, it's fairly intuitive to use. I'm fairly sure Roll20 updates translations once a week on Tuesdays based on things.

Roger, jag känner bra till hur karaktärformulärer är gjorda på Roll20(har skapat ett antal av dom), och kan hjälpa till om du har frågor om något relaterat till den.

Efter att er grupp har gjort översättningarna till karaktärformulären, kan jag hjälpa till med om något behöver justeras till hur dens svenska versionen ser ut.(Några ställen kan ha kortare(längre ord/meningar än den engelska versionen, resulterande i att något kanske behövs justeras i koden för att saker förblir läsbart.) Man kan också ändra så att titel-bilden är på svenka.

(When you have created the translation and it have gone live, we could help out with creating Swedish-specific visual fixes to the sheet keeping it readable.)

I have to say I like the color-version of the sheet, adding the same red as the background to the current sheet likely wouldn't be too hard, making the fine sheet even move visually appealing. :D

We could move this discussion to the Forbidden Lands-forum thread.

March 27 (4 years ago)

looking for some advice here 

I have been able to get a working sheet for Arcanis 5e up and going, its being play-tested right now 

when you scroll down to provided sheets there is a section for Arcanis role playing game.. 

who would I need to email or talk to so we can get our Arcanis5e sheet under that subheading? 

Pedro Barrenechea
Paradigm Concepts 

March 27 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Andreas J. said:

Yes, they are the same game, by the same publisher. It just seems that Roger shows here the final version of character sheet, while Vince primarily designed it around the Alpha's version of the character sheet, so the resemblance wasn't too obvious.

The easiest path is likely to have Vince's "Forbidden Lands"-sheet translated into Swedish. Roll20 uses CrowdIn for crowd-sourcing translation for the site and character sheets, and Swedish is one of the available languages.

We could move this discussion to the Forbidden Lands-forum thread.

This is currently happening as we speak.  I'm working with Magnus H. on the Swedish translation.  I'm thinking this will be complete for next week's update.  ;-)

Vince said:

Andreas J. said:

This is currently happening as we speak.  I'm working with Magnus H. on the Swedish translation.  I'm thinking this will be complete for next week's update.  ;-)

Woohaa, thx both of you for info, help and working on the sheet! Much appreciated! <3

An RPG based on the Dishonored series was recently released. It would be nice to have that sheet here.

March 30 (4 years ago)

Edited March 31 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

I finally managed to adapt my Fading Suns v2.75 character sheet to be non-paid users friendly (I removed the need for an API back-end script).

The pull request is in, ladies and gentlemen! (EDIT: and now the sheet is now officially available on Roll20).

Hopefully, the Roll20 team will approve it soon and all groups who are playing Fading Suns these days will be able to enjoy the sheet until we wait for the Fading Suns v4 to come out:!

N.B. I'll be creating a sheet for the v4 as soon as I can get my hands on the new rulebook (May, according to the Kickstarter).

March 30 (4 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

two requests posted elsewhere

Request: The Spirit of 77

Carson D. said:

Hey everybody,

My group and I just started with this game and we are really in love with it. It would be a lot easier if we had a character sheet on roll20 to support it. The Spirit of 77 character sheet is quite simple, and I see many other Powered by the Apocalypse games have sheets on roll20, so it would be with great honor that someone might add this masterpiece of a game to the collection.


Request: Teens in Space

Tabor said:

The roll20 system supports Kids on Bikes roll able character sheets, but surprisingly it does not have a Teens In Space character sheet available. A player of mine was able to make a form fillable PDF, but neither of us knows how to make a character sheet that is form-fillable and dice-rollable. 

Below is a sample of a TiS character sheet (Hunter Entertainment). The Stat block windows (dXX window in the upper right) needs to allow selection of 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12 and 1d20 in each of the 6 blocks (a drop down window would be great). As well the option to add a -4 up to a +4 in each stat block would be useful. It would be nice to 1 click roll the die in each box

There is a Kids on Bikes character sheet that is a great example already available, but I admit, I do not know how to link to the roll20 webpage its stored at. Basically the TiS sheet just needs a re-skin to allow for other features not used by KoB sheets. 

Unfortunately I am not macro savvy. Anyone know an easy way to turn the sheet below into a macro enabled one?

Teens in Space Sheet

March 30 (4 years ago)


Forgive me for asking the question here but I was unable to send you a PM.  I'm a brand new Roll20 GM building a D6 Star Wars campaign using your (excellent) character sheet.  From my research, I understand that some character sheets (e.g. D&D) allow for the character name (instead of the player name) to appear in the dice roll / chat log.  Does your sheet have that functionality?  I can't seem to find out how to enable that anywhere (again-- newb!)

Thanks for any help,


Hope I'm doing this right.

Requesting a sheet for TROIKA!

A sample of the sheet can be found here:

Doesn't have to be this exact layout, just need the correct form fill-able fields.


March 31 (4 years ago)

Edited March 31 (4 years ago)

2d20 - John Carter of Mars


while I can see Character sheets out there for 2d20 Infinity and Conan, I can't see one for John Carter.of Mars

If there is not one, could I request one to be made?

All the best


Would anyone be able to post a character sheet for the RPG Double Cross?  It seems like someone was working on a sheet but never published it and I wouldn't know how to finish it and put it up for use, myself.

Pantoufle said:

Hi, reporting that five torches deep character sheet is out (french version currently). Working on the english one for next week :)

It looks great, any word on the English version? I was hoping to get a game started :)

April 05 (4 years ago)

Edited April 05 (4 years ago)

Coal Powered Puppet said:

Makyvir said:

I second this. We need Changeling the Lost 2nd Edition character sheets for Roll20.

Faust said:

Pretty Please

Changeling the lost Second edition character sheet request :D

There is a  Changeling the Lost character sheet on the dropdown.  If this is the wrong edition, what is the difference between the two editions.

Also, there is a New World of Darkness sheet already that covers most if not all of the sub-settings.  Does this not work for you and why?

First Edition Chronicles of Darkness and Second Edition have significant differences. With the massive caveat of "I don't know how to make roll20 sheets", I don't think it would require a lot of work to change 1st ed lost to 2nd ed lost, but the changes are significant enough that it would definitely impact people's ability to create and maintain sheets.

I just played a 2nd ed 1-shot this morning on roll20 and we made it work, but I wouldn't want to run a chronicle in it.

As someone familiar with both systems I would be happy to help as much as I'm able with making a 2nd ed sheet.

Also, I don't know if it would deeply affect the systems as is, but I believe the new accepted parlance (since now both oWoD and nWoD are owned by different people and have their own new versions) is that oWoD is World of Darkness while nWoD is Chronicles of Darkness, and being able to find the sheets in the dropdown under those categories would be awesome?

Has anyone made a generic Changing Breeds sheet for 20th Edition World of Darkness? Some thing similar to the 20th Edition Werewolf one, but has the ability to change the modifiers for the different breed forms. My group was hoping to run a multiple breed Changing Breed game on Roll20. We have a motley crew of critters we're dealing with already aside from the werewolf: Kitsune, Rokea, Moloke, Nuisha, Ratkin, and an Anansi.

Any ideas?

April 05 (4 years ago)
Coal Powered Puppet
Sheet Author

Chell F said:

Some thing similar to the 20th Edition Werewolf one, but has the ability to change the modifiers for the different breed forms. 

The Werewolf 20th Edition (I think) has an option for non-wolf forms.  Look on the forms tab, and the instructions to input them are there.

Coal Powered Puppet said:

Chell F said:

Some thing similar to the 20th Edition Werewolf one, but has the ability to change the modifiers for the different breed forms. 

The Werewolf 20th Edition (I think) has an option for non-wolf forms.  Look on the forms tab, and the instructions to input them are there.

Found it! Thanks so much Coal^^

April 09 (4 years ago)

Would be amazing with a sheet for PunkApocalyptic.
It uses the same base system as Shadow of the Demon lord, so I dont think it would require much to implement.

April 12 (4 years ago)

Edited April 13 (4 years ago)

I have been watching for one of these since the game came out.  Needless to say, I strongly second this request. I'm really hoping to be able to start a campaign soon.

I would hope that it would be relatively easy.  It's got a lot of similarity to the other Modiphius 2D20 sheets (Conan and Star Trek for example), but much more streamlined.

Here's a link to the PDF version...

Philip M. said:

2d20 - John Carter of Mars


while I can see Character sheets out there for 2d20 Infinity and Conan, I can't see one for John Carter.of Mars

If there is not one, could I request one to be made?

All the best


Looking for a Pugmire character sheet. I see there were a couple requests made, but they are quite old. It is based on 5e, but different enough that I believe using the 5e sheet will be quite cumbersome. I don't know what kind of information is needed to create this, but I'm happy to work with someone/learn. I will look at the sheet builder, but I am not much of a coder.

Hello everybody!

I see we have in the character sheet repository, the following sheet for the Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG, 3rd edition.

The way the sheet is made, it performs the wrong calculation on skill checks. Would anyone have any contact details of the creator, so that I can reach out and provide some feedback?

Thank you very much.

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG

Authors:Andrew Bowker

For use with the Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG.

Pantoufle said:

Hi, reporting that five torches deep character sheet is out (french version currently). Working on the english one for next week :)

Did you ever get the English version up? I could definitely use that.

April 14 (4 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Sea of Theives RPG

Coped from original thread:

Jeff M. said:

This is a new tabletop RPG from mongoose publishing, really fun fast flowing Pirate game with simple mechanics (accumulate successes over a set number of turns (e.g to escape the pursuing ship - 3 sucesses in 4 turns - all players can contribute if they are working on that task - there may be several tasks going on at once so players have to nominate what they are working on). Would be great to play online. 

Here is a rules preview to give the flavour:

I have all the pdfs and hard copies for more info if anyone is interested?

The physical character sheet is a wipe clean "card" which players place tokens on.

April 14 (4 years ago)

RE Sea of theives aboove - here is sheet:


I am a little unsure if this is the right thread so if it is wrong please let me know so I can put this elsewhere! 

I am hoping to run Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition. Now I know that its not to different of a layout from the 4th Edition sheets that are in the Compendium however on the sheet there are a few things that for 3rd are not necessary, as well as there are almost no tabs for School Specialty Rank features that you need to keep track of for 3rd Edition as well as not spell tabs only spell "slots". Now I understand that requesting this has to be approved and if then worked on and if it is that would be amazing. If not then I thank you for your time!  


Character sheet request (or update request?) for Mouse Guard 2nd edition

As far as I can tell the only thing that's different from 1st edition is the Wises part. Could anyone be so kind to either include it in the current char sheet or maybe basically copy the 1st edition and just add Wises section? The way it would be the best if there could be any number of rows added to the Wises table. I would be grateful.

character sheet:

Hi amazing sheet authors!

I am looking for someone to assist/create/collaborate on a more streamlined version of the Star Wars FFG API sheet.  The aforementioned sheet, while robust, feature rich, and fantastic in its own ways, it is overly-cumbersome, not intuitive, and not new-user friendly.  As a GM there are also some functionality and nit-picks I have with it.

I am hoping to have someone assist with the creation of a streamlined sheet similar to the official sheet FFG SW EotE Character Sheet, with some modifications.

I have a moderate list of changes I would like to see made to the existing sheet or to a new sheet.  I think, with these design changes the sheet will be less complex to improve game play, simpler for newbies to roll20 to learn, and easier for GMs to manage. 

If interested please PM me for more information.

Much appreciated!

April 20 (4 years ago)

Why hello there, just came here to ask if anyone here worked on an updated version of Big eye small mouths 4th edition? I do not know if the current ones for both the Tri stat system and 3rd edition are compatible considering the many changes end tweaks. 

Thanks once again to the community and have and have a nice day lads!

Hello, im new here. I was wondering if the person who made the tab dcc sheets could add lankhmar sheets. I couldnt find one that was just the warrior without it being a pdf. There are some big differences in the sheets from the regular dcc game. Even if the tab sheet maker cant could someone? Only thing we need to add to the sheet is a monster stat block sheet. Like the tab sheets currently have. Id be really grateful is someone could help with this. Thank you !

It was recommended i move my post here. The main differences in Lankhmar sheets to a regular dcc sheet is, only humans, 3 classes thief, warrior, wizard. patrons block. No alignment, thats right Lankhmar has no clerics. the gods are petty and cruel for the most part. stats fluctuate as mages can nurn stats to empower spells, all classes can burn luck. 0 level chars don't exist here. its a more heroic version of DCC You can see them all on goodman games website. They are in pdf so i had to find jpegs to attach here. Im willing to throw a bride your way. the tabbed dcc sheets are great, if that maker could pull off some techno wizardry and make them kinda like that. So i still have the npc/monster block tab thatd be great. I need some system for fleeting luck too. totally willing to work with someone of this. Thank guys!

April 22 (4 years ago)

Hey there, folks.

The sheet in question (Pokerole 1st Edition) already exists in Roll20, but the second edition was recently released. The new game's math is very similar, but has far fewer instances of fiddling with the dice pool mid-roll. 

I'm thinking that an update like this should be pretty easy if you're able to find the current sheet's design data.

The new 2.0 rules are here:

And if anyone decides to take me up on this, I should be able to answer any questions. 


April 22 (4 years ago)

Regarding the John Carter of Mars Sheet request...  After much stumbling, I was able to piece together this Macro that could be the only necessary mechanic needed (of course the 6 Attributes would have to be recorded).  Ultimately it all comes down to this one kind of roll, the rest of the sheet would only be needed to information recording fields. (And maybe a D6 roller for damage)

However, I have absolutely no doubt that someone who knows what they're doing can drastically improve this formula. And if anyone knows how to do the Modiphius 2D20 success calculations, that would just make it even more idiot proof.

/roll [[?{Attribute 1|@{Cunning}|@{Daring}|@{Empathy}|@{Might} |@{Passion} |@{Reason}}]] +[[?{Attribute 2|@{Cunning}| @{Daring}|@{Empathy}|@{Might} |@{Passion} |@{Reason}}]]

/roll ?{Dice|0}D20

April 22 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

How do modiphus 2d20 rolls work?

April 23 (4 years ago)

Edited April 23 (4 years ago)

GiGs said:

How do modiphus 2d20 rolls work?

You create a "Target Number".  Each of the various games do that slightly different, but for John Carter you add 2 attributes together, creating a number somewhere around 8-18.  Then you roll a number of D20 (usually 2, thus the name) and any individual die that is under that Target Number is a success.  Additionally, any roll that is under the smallest attribute counts as 2 successes.  Ultimately you're trying to acquire a certain number of successes (1-5 roughly determined by the GM).

Hopefully that makes sense.  Here's the free quick start rules...

April 23 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

That's interesting. I'm pretty sure I've written API script for someone for this system. But that's only useful for Pro users.

I dont think you can do this dice roll at the free level - you need the API to do it. You cant compare the same die vs two different targets (the total of the 2 dice and lowest of the two) and keep both results. Though Ziechael, our resident dice expression guru, might be able to come up with a way.

I'd like to put in a request for someone to make a character sheet for Ops & Tactics. I'd do it myself if I knew how to write in HTML or the other accepted scripting languages.
Here's a link for where you can find it: (It's in the "Download Ops and Tactics 6th Edition Archive(Current Version)" link).
Alternatively, if someone would be willing to teach me how to code (it's easier for me if someone is actively telling me what to do instead of reading or watching the instructions) so that I could do it myself after paying for Pro, that would also be appreciated.

With the release of BESM 4E, it would be nice to see the 4E character sheet on Roll20.

April 24 (4 years ago)

GiGs said:

That's interesting. I'm pretty sure I've written API script for someone for this system. But that's only useful for Pro users.

I dont think you can do this dice roll at the free level - you need the API to do it. You cant compare the same die vs two different targets (the total of the 2 dice and lowest of the two) and keep both results. Though Ziechael, our resident dice expression guru, might be able to come up with a way.

Thanks GiGs.  That doesn't surprise me.  As long as the Target numbers and die results are listed, it's easy enough to tally up the successes.  You'd have to do that playing live anyway.

April 24 (4 years ago)

Edited April 24 (4 years ago)
Richard T.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator

Daniel V. said:


Character sheet request (or update request?) for Mouse Guard 2nd edition

As far as I can tell the only thing that's different from 1st edition is the Wises part. Could anyone be so kind to either include it in the current char sheet or maybe basically copy the 1st edition and just add Wises section? The way it would be the best if there could be any number of rows added to the Wises table. I would be grateful.

character sheet:

I have a mouse guard 2nd edition sheet which I can put on the github when I've got some time on my hands.