Currently, character sheets can only be updated when a value on the character sheet is updated. There are many events that sheet developers could utilize to make sheets significantly more friendly to users if provided limited access to the sheet's html events from the sheet worker. As an example of something that is currently not possible is searchable dropdowns updating as you type (click to see the animated gif example): Giving users access to certain control-specific additional events and
properties will allow for more robust and intuitive character sheet
design and can also cut down on the number of attributes required for a
character sheet. A safe object that gives limited access to the character sheet section of the DOM could handle this. A simplified example of implementation, sheet provides limited DOM access: onSheet('.sheet-class:change',function (eventInfo) { sheet['.sheet-spells-tab'].display = eventInfo.newValue === 'Wizard' ? 'block' : 'none'; } In the above example, you see we've switched to using CSS selectors rather than attribute names and the sheet object itself works with simple css selection syntax.