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Random NPC HPs

I need an easy way to randomly roll NPC hps. The API I used previously is not currently and I have found a number of options, but I cant seem to get any of them to work for me. In an ideal world, I want something that functions on drag and drop to the map. That is what I had working before. Previously I was using RollHPs.. I think. I have installed it, but nothing is happening when I bring an NPC to the map. I do have MonsterHitDice installed as well, hoping that would do the same thing for me. But it just gives the HPs on the sheet, no random roll. I am also using the roll20 OGL companion which has a feature called npchp, but when I make a macro and click it or type the command in chat nothing happens. I realize this one required an extra click.. I can live with that. I just want a way that works for my needs :) In all cases, I have the NPC tokens set up to use bar 1 as HPs and there is no attribute selected.

Edited 1573821083
Here's a small script that will roll random hit points for any npc dropped or copy/pasted onto the map that does not have the HP bar linked to the character sheet. const RandomNPCHP = (() => { const HIT_POINT_BAR = 1; // FUNCTIONS const handleTokenDrop = function (obj) { setTimeout(function () { if (obj.get("type") === "graphic" && obj.get("subtype") === "token" && obj.get("represents") !== "" && obj.get("layer") !== "map") { if (Boolean(Number(getAttrByName(obj.get("represents"), "npc"))) === false) return; if (obj.get("bar" + HIT_POINT_BAR + "_link") !== "") return; let CharID = obj.get("represents"); let HPF = getAttrByName(CharID, "npc_hpformula") || "0d0+0"; let HitDie_Count = parseInt(HPF.split("d")[0], 10) || 0; let HitDie_Size = parseInt(HPF.split("d")[1], 10) || 0; let HitDie_Mod = parseInt(HPF.split("+")[1], 10) || 0; let RandomHP = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * ((HitDie_Count * HitDie_Size) - HitDie_Count + 1), 10) + HitDie_Count + HitDie_Mod); obj.set(`bar${HIT_POINT_BAR}_link`, ""); obj.set(`bar${HIT_POINT_BAR}_value`, RandomHP); obj.set(`bar${HIT_POINT_BAR}_max`, RandomHP); } }, 500); } on("ready", function () { //registerEventHandlers(); on(`add:graphic`, handleTokenDrop); }); })();
Thank you much! Works perfectly :)
Why the 500ms delay?
Michael G. said: Why the 500ms delay? Has to happen after the default game settings are applied or it causes problems.
I use TokenMod and: !token-mod --set bar1_max|[[@{selected|hitdice}]] !token-mod --set bar1_reset| When I set up the sheets I use "X"D"Y" (5D8) for the Hit dice, then each new monster gets a tap of the macro and "Bob's your uncle."
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
You can actually shorten that: !token-mod --set bar1 |[[@{selected|hitdice}]] Using bar1 will set current and max to the same value in one go. =D