So at present, there are a number of draw backs for Dynamic Lighting which can make the game a bit clunky. The following would be some wonderful improvements: Native Vision: Currently vision and light are not truly independent. While you can attempt a poor facsimile of (for example) Dark Vision, (eschew the All Player See button), there are two problems with this. First, it does not actually work as per the rules (e.g. D&D) and secondly you cannot also give that person a light source (without creating a separate token, which is a nuisance). The ability to have Native Vision and separate vision and light source held would be a great step forward (and should be easily done). 2) Persistency: the light settings do not seem to carry over if the tokens and dropped on a different page. Setting them all over again is a bit bothersome. Can we please have this tied to the token please. Apologies if I’ve missed an obvious trick here. thanks in advance.