Gann observed the others eagerly prepare for the hunt with idle curiosity. He felt enticed to rummage in the carriage for a bow and arrows and join them but he knew it was a folly of camaraderie and he would only weight on them. He felt the morning stiff deep in his bones and he needed to stretch with his blade. He fastened the leather breastplate and headed for the group of men who were slowly gathering together for the new day.
Gann had not prepared a speech, looking for words came hard to him so he just let actions speak for themselves. He gathered those that stayed around, broke them into two groups of six, and then he drew a circle between them. Gann approached a few of the able warriors and picked Hrothgar and Sigbert among them for a spar. They circled around him and attacked in order, for this was meant be something the other men could follow and accommodate to the sight and smell of combat. It wasn't meant to be all child's play, and Gann's swift parrying and retaliatory blows soon drew ire from Sigbert and his attacks became more savage and thirsting blood. Gann saw himself in that man, all covered with mud and furs at the blade school, a cur used to train others the fine skill of capturing a pict. Gann put his strength to meet Sigbert's last assault but then he stepped back and lowered his seax, then extended his hand to both of them. Gann was breathing heavily with a whistling wheeze when the addressed the men, reading in their gaze their eagerness. Not all, but some had that spark. He hadn't expected this many.
"Ei will not have such a clean fight when your life and the life of the man right of you depend on your one steady arm," He told them. "You will fight like animals because you were once caged as one and that beast in you shall seek vengeance on your enemy with jaws and claws if it must. You shall not be spared but you shall not spare, and you will break knee and tear eye but you will fight with purpose The breath of the wind and the spirits shall guide your blade and grant you the honor as free men. Ei will teach you how." He paused to capture his breath. His nostrils no longer serving him made him struggle with speeches. "That is your life now."
He asked everybody to get armed and break them into groups of three with one able warrior and two willing to learn. He walked among the groups, demonstrating along with their group veteran and observing how each group worked together. He felt these men have come from all walks of life but the heft of the blade should unite them. Some groups worked, others grew weary of the weaker ceorls but Gann had the patience and he worked where other warriors wouldn't. He went through defensive routine first, the basics of strikes and follow-ups, and how to swiftly strike weak points to disengage, the required step work. He pushed hard against those that showed to learned faster, for he had no time to spare. For all he knew, they might have to prove their mettle before the next moon. But he was going to make the best of them, and most importantly, make the best of them together. As the drill came close to noon and they were all glistening and panting, he had the groups pair among themselves and show off what they had learned, the students awkwardly got accustomed to fair competition while the experienced men gave them sharp remarks of encouragement. Every man knew the name of the man right to him, and every man knew the man who bested him and who he might depend on. When all were tired and the last duel came to a close under a pour of loud voices and fair bets, he told them to take rest and looked up at the sky to tell the time past.