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Nesting macro issue

I have the two screenshotted macros. The Madness one correctly displays the clickable boxes but the other one just displays the first ability in a template and generates the rest separately, no boxes. What am I not noticing?
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
On the left you have a journal 'ability' which doesn't not break html when reopened after saving. On the right is a global macro from the collections tab. When you reopen them after initially saving it breaks the html you've used to preserve the nesting (!
) replacing it with a line break which is it's intended function. Restore the html and save it... then NEVER reopen it and you should be fine :)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Oh hang on, that is 100% not what you were asking or needing help with lol. Serves me right for jumping to conclusions based on a screenshot! Lemme have a fully informed look...
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Do you have actual line breaks in the first macro? It's hard to tell if it is aggressive text wrapping or not. Could you post the macro in it's entirety rather than a screenshot?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
That indeed looks like like the issue is hard line breaks. Edit those out and see what happens. As a GM, I recommend avoiding collections macros whenever possible, and using a macro sheet. The syntax is simpler, it doesn't break on edit, and it's portable from game to game. This post contains syntax for how to write buttons for calling abilities and macros depending on how they are stored and where they are called from. This post contains info on constructing a macro sheet.
Thank you! Adding the abilities to the sheet instead of collections indeed made it much simpler. The only thing I don't quite get is how to modify the syntax on  [command name](~Macros|macro to call) if I use the master sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you have called your master sheet Macros, than that's the syntax you use: [command name](~Macros|macro to call) Whats the issue you are having? One thing to be aware of. If you want players to be able to use the Macros|abilities, you need to set your Macros sheet to Editable by Players. You should leave its Visibility empty. This will create a sheet the players cant see in their journal, but you can give them macros to call its abilities.

Edited 1581234594
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Here are the most likely variations of syntax from the post I linked. I've put them here for reference, so we can answer specific cases [command name](#macro to call) Default button syntax to for a Collections Macro reference another Collections Macro —You probably don't need to use this for a Chat Menu. Use one of the versions below. [command name](~macro to call) Button syntax for an Ability to reference an Ability on the same sheet [command name](~Macros|macro to call) Button syntax for an Ability to reference an Ability on  another  character sheet, such as a Macro Character Sheet. [command name](!
#macro to call) Button syntax for an Ability to reference a Collections Macro. Try to use only in Abilities, not Macros, since Macros will revert the HTML replacement if you need to edit.
So, I epicly misread the original post. I have since realised that the master sheet needs to be called "Macros" for that line to work. No issues, just beeing a noob at this. But this is how I learn. GiGs said: If you have called your master sheet Macros, than that's the syntax you use: [command name](~Macros|macro to call) Whats the issue you are having? One thing to be aware of. If you want players to be able to use the Macros|abilities, you need to set your Macros sheet to Editable by Players. You should leave its Visibility empty. This will create a sheet the players cant see in their journal, but you can give them macros to call its abilities.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We all make noob-like mistakes, no matter how experienced we get hehe.