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Page CellWidth

API Scripter
Quick question, I'm looking to set the top/left coordinates of a token adjusting them by a specified amount. I would like to keep this simple using squares as the unit of measure (typically multiplied by 70px) however I'd like to get that value from the page if possible but I couldn't find where that info is stored. Anyone have a simpler solution or know how to get the page CellWidth data?
Marketplace Creator
You might want to check out TokenMod.  You could, for instance, set a token to move three grid squres left and two grid squares up by entering the following: !token-mod --set left#-3g top#-2g Quoting from the relevant help section for TokenMod: Numbers Number values can be any floating point number (though most fields will drop the fractional part). Numbers must be given a numeric value. They cannot be blank or a non-numeric string. Available Numbers Properties: left top width height scale It's probably a good idea not to set the location of a token off screen, or the width or height to 0. Placing a token in the top left corner of the map and making it take up a 2x2 grid section: !token-mod --set top|0 left|0 width|140 height|140 You can also apply relative change using + , - , * , and / . This will move each token one unit down, 2 units left, then make it 5 times as wide and half as tall. !token-mod --set top|+70 left|-140 width|*5 height|/2 You can use = to explicity set a value. This is the default behavior, but you might need to use it to move something to a location off the edge using a negative number but not a relative number: !token-mod --set top|=-140 scale is a pseudo field which adjusts both width and height with the same operation. This will scale a token to twice it's current size. !token-mod --set scale|*2 You can follow a number by one of u , g , or s to adjust the scale that the number is applied in. Use u to use a number based on Roll20 Units, which are 70 pixels at 100% zoom. This will set a graphic to 280x140. !token-mod --set width|4u height|2u Use g to use a number based on the current grid size. This will set a token to the middle of the 8th column, 4rd row grid. (.5 offset for half the center) !token-mod --set left|7.5g top|3.5g
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
If you're wanting to write your own script for it, the information on grid size is in the Page object: &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
API Scripter
Thanks for the reply; yes my question was more along the lines of building my own script. @The Aaron I did find that reference on Page Objects however I didn't see which property reflected page Cell Width As lets say I issue a command to a script which the end result would be to move a token 3 squares (multiplying 3x the 70px) I just can't find where that page information of 70px is stored
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
if you mean that 70px value in the middle? That's hard coded, I believe. i.e. that's the screen resolution of one cell.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
It's snapping_increment, basically. 70px x snapping_increment = grid cell width. &nbsp;snapping_increment x grid_scale gives you the distance in grid units (often ft).&nbsp; There is a bit of strangeness when the snapping_increment isn't 1 and the grid is off, but you probably won't see that from the API.&nbsp; If you look at TojenMod's source, there's a class called numberOp that does all the math for grid and unit based scales:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>