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NPC Sheet

I have a really ambitious question. Is it possible to make a generic macro that will display just the NPC info (Example: Name, AC, Stats, Immunities, Conditions ending in Languages) from the sheet without making buttons for the macros? I have done that already. I noticed that in the stupid tricks thread it was possible to make a custom card with buttons. I don't really need this unless that is the only way to display what i want.
Sheet Author
Not sure of your system/sheet, but this might help;  NPC Statblock Chat Menu for D&D 5e sheet — No API required!
Sorry I'm using the 5e OGL Sheet - Free User
Sheet Author
I believe Keith's example is the 5e OGL sheet.  And, "No API required!" means it works for everyone.
Thanks Vince this is exactly what i was looking for however like i said i don't need the button functionality as i have custom scripts for this. With the script below how do i? A: get rid of the buttons and just display the stats and B: How do i make the display bigger? /w gm &{template:npcaction}{{rname=@{selected|character_name}}}{{name=@{selected|npc_type} **HP: **@{selected|bar1} / @{selected|hp|max} | ** AC: ** @{selected|npc_ac} | **Spd: ** @{selected|npc_speed} **Languages: **@{selected|npc_languages} **Senses: **@{selected|npc_senses} **Resists:: **@{selected|npc_resistances} **Immune: **@{selected|npc_immunities} **Cond. Immune: **@{selected|npc_condition_immunities}}}{{description=**Abilities** [**Str @{selected|strength}** *(@{selected|strength_mod})*](~selected|npc_str) | [save](~selected|npc_str_save) [**Dex @{selected|dexterity}** *(@{selected|dexterity_mod})*](~selected|npc_dec) | [save](~selected|npc_dex_save) [**Con @{selected|constitution}** *(@{selected|constitution_mod})*](~selected|npc_con) | [save](~selected|npc_con_save) [**Int @{selected|intelligence}** *(@{selected|intelligence_mod})*](~selected|npc_int) | [save](~selected|npc_int_save) [**Wis @{selected|wisdom}** *(@{selected|wisdom_mod})*](~selected|npc_wis) | [save](~selected|npc_wis_save) [**Cha @{selected|charisma}** *(@{selected|charisma_mod})*](~selected|npc_cha) | [save](~selected|npc_cha_save) }} &{noerror}
Ok I figured out how to get rid of the buttons. Now if i can get the text bigger it will be perfect!
Sheet Author
/w gm &{template:npcaction}{{rname=@{selected|character_name}}}{{name=@{selected|npc_type} **HP: **@{selected|bar1} / @{selected|hp|max} | ** AC: ** @{selected|npc_ac} | **Spd: ** @{selected|npc_speed} **Languages: **@{selected|npc_languages}  **Senses: **@{selected|npc_senses}  **Resists:: **@{selected|npc_resistances}  **Immune: **@{selected|npc_immunities}  **Cond. Immune: **@{selected|npc_condition_immunities}}}{{description=**Abilities** **Str @{selected|strength}** *(@{selected|strength_mod})* **Dex @{selected|dexterity}** *(@{selected|dexterity_mod})* **Con @{selected|constitution}** *(@{selected|constitution_mod})* **Int @{selected|intelligence}** *(@{selected|intelligence_mod})* **Wis @{selected|wisdom}** *(@{selected|wisdom_mod})* **Cha @{selected|charisma}** *(@{selected|charisma_mod})* }} &{noerror} I think you'll need to use stylus to make bigger text.
ok well it's really close and i can run with that! Thanks Vince for the speedy replies and all your help!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Try this: /w gm &{template:npcaction}{{rname=@{selected|character_name}}}{{description=*@{selected|npc_type}* **HP: **@{selected|bar1} / @{selected|hp|max} ** AC: ** @{selected|npc_ac} | **Spd: ** @{selected|npc_speed} **Languages: **@{selected|npc_languages} **Senses: **@{selected|npc_senses} **Resists:: **@{selected|npc_resistances} **Immune: **@{selected|npc_immunities} **Cond. Immune: **@{selected|npc_condition_immunities} **Abilities** **Str @{selected|strength}** *(@{selected|strength_mod})* **Dex @{selected|dexterity}** *(@{selected|dexterity_mod})* **Con @{selected|constitution}** *(@{selected|constitution_mod})* **Int @{selected|intelligence}** *(@{selected|intelligence_mod})* **Wis @{selected|wisdom}** *(@{selected|wisdom_mod})* **Cha @{selected|charisma}** *(@{selected|charisma_mod})*}} &{noerror}