Hello, I'm West; I DM a DnD 5e game every saturday at 8pm (no daylight savings). I had one of my players drop from the campaign last week so I am looking for a replacement. Current roster is a Tabaxi rogue, Half elf Sorcerer and Changeling Cleric/Ranger (They just turned lvl 8). As stated in the title its a Grimdark Homebrew setting catered to a more mature audience. My current players have quite flushed out characters so if you enjoy quality roleplay and character development I believe this is the campaign for you. The story of the campaign tends to be more on the grand scale rather than the local scale as far as plot goes so if you want a campaign where your character actually matters then look no further. More about the DM - Past players have described me as railroady but I've only tried to steer them towards the parts of my game that are most fleshed out and from my perspective the most fun. I have been attempting to change to a more free form DM and am slowly making progress towards that goal.